Who is Leslie Flowers:
With 45-years in corporate publishing and training, she has 20,000 hours over the last 15 years teaching people principles of the success “Think & Grow Rich,” universal law and how to apply them for consistent successes in 21st century business.
Leslie Flowers, is a master teacher and trainer in achievement, mindset, success principles, universal law, and strategic business Coaching, published nine books (7 best sellers), is a certified consultant (LSC), speaker (CS), and dedicated fully in articulating complex concepts in the most simple terms … for the fastest ‘client returns.’
Ways to contact Leslie:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/lflowers
Website: https://Leslie-Flowers.com
Try something new, remember the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step!
Susan Sneath
Susan is a coach and performer who has spent over 20 years helping people bring their visions to life ranging from creating an Alberta Centre for Peace and Meditation to the largest Fringe Theatre Festival in North America. Whether it was the retired accountant turned harpist stricken with nerves before performing that she asked, “What do you know to be true?” They went still and entered their zone of flow.
Susan Sneath is really very quiet and subdued...when she sleeps! When she’s awake, she takes the business of life very seriously, she loves to laugh!
As a Coach “Susan provides a vibrant and intuitive approach to coaching. I have worked with Susan for a number of years and as such have received continuous positive feedback from clients who have benefited from both her engaging presentation style and strong ability to connect with them as she guides them to explore and resolve challenges and find success. Her sense of humour is just a bonus!”
Gail McDonald
For PCC certified executive leadership and personal development coach Gail McDonald, the founder of TranscendentSelf, it is not just about surviving life’s many changes. It is all about making the most of them!
A professional speaker and facilitator for nearly 20 years, Gail has inspired an extensive array of audiences from diverse backgrounds in both the private and public sectors. She has delivered training on everything from improved communication skills, and customer service right on through to leadership.
Empowering not just professional audiences with her insights but working privately with aspiring individuals as well, Gail helps us understand that, as opposed to our greatest anxiety, failure is actually our friend, the only way, in essence, to build the resilience needed to ultimately achieve success.
BabyBoomer.org is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.