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Intimacy, Sex and Pleasure for Boomers with Chloe Mascord

  1. Intimacy, Sex and Pleasure for Boomers with Chloe Mascord Boom With A Bang! 1:10:48

Chloe Mascord helps women who avoid sex, or are stuck in unfulfilling intimacy to stop faking it and start thriving. Through bite-sized, actionable strategies, she shows women how to reignite desire, build deeper connections, and live authentically in their intimate lives.

In this episode, Chloe explains:

  • Performative intimacy
  • The most common reasons desire fades in long term Relationships
  • The importance of communication and curiosity
  • Safe ways to open the doors to a conversation about sex, intimacy
  • Low libido
  • Men aren’t all-knowing like we may have been told
  • Body image as we get older

Chloe’s advice to us all is to give ourselves some grace.

I also offered some advice: be as gentle with the changes below the neck as we are with the changes above the neck.

Listen now and then share this episode!

Find Chloe at

Learn more about Chloe and find all her links at


I’ve probably done most of the things you expect a woman my age to have done: married and divorced; three children; variety of jobs over the years including a couple of home-based businesses and, finally, a pretty good career; gave up that career (and home and life) to move and take care of a dementing mother; adult daughter moved back home with a baby; financial struggles; sucker-punched by the post-2007 economy. You tell a similar story.

My podcast is for Boomer Women. A variety of subjects, a variety of viewpoints... and open to suggestions if I'm not covering a topic you want to hear about.


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