1. Want to know more on how to keep more money and give less to the government? Anne Bachrach 30:16

Want to know more on how to keep more money and give less to the government?


If you answered, HECK YES!, you need to listen to my Interview with Roger Pearson, Chief Business Education Officer. He is an expert in Tax Hacks for Entrepreneurs.


I know you will find Roger to be a wealth of information related to helping you NOT lose thousands of dollars needlessly in your business, so you can keep more and use it however you choose.


For over 50 years, Roger Pearson has created, sold, or managed many small businesses. In 2001, he switched course and began working as a Master Tax Advisor/IRS Enrolled Agent. During that time, he has watched hundreds of small business owners lose thousands of dollars needlessly. His mission is to provide entrepreneurs the knowledge to build a solid foundation under their business to keep more money in their pockets and give less to the government. Sounds good to me!!!


Subscribe and get new episodes as they are released.


For some great free information on how you might be able to pay less in taxes, and how Roger and his firm can help you with your tax planning services and more, go to https://www.seagulltechnologies.com/. 


Aim for what you want each and every day!  

Anne Bachrach

The Accountability Coachâ„¢

The Results Accelerator™ 

I’m the author of many books, including, Excuses Don’t Count; Results Rule, Live Life with No Regrets, No Excuses, The Guide to Stopping Procrastination, The Power of Visualization, My Gratitude Journal, the Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, and The Roadmap To Success with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard, and more.  

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If you would like help sticking to your goals, so you can make more money and work less, and ultimately enjoy having your ideal business and ideal life, reach out to me today to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Want more business success tips and resources? Subscribe to my blog by going to www.acountabilitycoach.com/blog.

As an experienced accountability coach and author of 5 books, I help business professionals make more money, work less, and enjoy even better work life balance.

Check out my proven business accelerator resources by going to https://www.accountabilitycoach.com/coaching-store/.

Anne Bachrach Work Life Balance Podcaster and Author

Anne Bachrach is a renowned expert in accountability and has helped business owners for over 25 years to achieve their ideal business and life. She believes that personal accountability is the key to success, and having someone to answer to regularly about progress is a powerful motivator. Anne has authored many books, including "Excuses Don't Count; Results Rule!", "Live Life with No Regrets; How the Choices We Make Impact Our Lives", and "The Work Life Balance Emergency Kit, No Excuses!". She has also co-authored the book "Roadmap to Success" with Stephen Covey and Ken Blanchard.

Anne has been podcasting since 2008, sharing her business success principles and resources on The Accountability Coach Podcast. She also started The Accountability Minute in 2018, which is a daily, single, simple, and doable idea to help individuals stay accountable and achieve their goals. With her fresh approach to business and emphasis on personal accountability, Anne Bachrach is a valuable resource for any business professional looking to accelerate their results and achieve their highest potential.