Thursday - June 27th, 2024
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June 27th, 2023

Dr. Bill Auxier, President and CEO of the Center for Rural Health Leadership – Building Effective Leadership

  1. Dr. Bill Auxier, President and CEO of the Center for Rural Health Leadership – Building Effective Leadership Dr. Laura Sicola 35:43

In this episode of the “Speaking to Influence”, Dr. Laura Sicola chats with Dr. Bill Auxier, President and CEO of the Center for Rural Health Leadership. Dr. Auxier is a renowned author, speaker, and teacher who has spent his career helping rural health leaders create a culture of health and well-being in their communities. Dr. Auxier shares his definition of leadership and challenges listeners to define their own in one sentence or less.

In this episode you will learn:

  • What to bear in mind when quoting other people
  • how vulnerability and admitting mistakes are important in leadership
  • What to do when a decision made in isolation is not well received
  • the power of sharing stories
  • How to find the courage to deliver difficult messages
  • How to gauge the ROI of not admitting when you’re wrong, and the need to always “be right”


About Dr. Bill Auxier:

Dr. Auxier’s favorite activity in the healthcare industry is Coaching and mentoring others, helping them to grow and evolve as leaders and helping them provide better patient care.

His healthcare career started as a nurse’s aide at Hamilton Memorial Hospital, a small rural hospital in Southern Illinois. He worked his way up from there to become the CEO of a surgical device manufacturer with worldwide distribution. He uses that experience to coach healthcare leaders, assisting them to become more effective leaders by combining what he has learned about leadership in the real world and the academic world.

You can connect with Dr. Auxier in the following ways:


Rural Health Leadership Radio Website:


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Laura Sicola Leadership Communication & Influence Expert, Speaker, Author, Podcaster

Dr. Laura Sicola is a leadership communication and influence expert, speaker, author of Speaking to Influence: Mastering Your Leadership Voice, and host of the podcast, Speaking to Influence: Communication Secrets of the C-Suite. Her mission is to transform executives into confident, inspiring leaders whether live or virtually in order to get the results they want and turn their vision into their legacy. As the founder of Vocal Impact Productions, she has trained and coached executives at Comcast, IBM, the US Department of Commerce and Women Against Abuse along with politicians, business owners and non-profit leaders from around the world.

Laura’s TEDx talk, “Want to Sound Like a Leader? Start by Saying Your Name Right,” has nearly 7 million views, and she has been featured on programs such as Fox & Friends First, NBC10 @Issue and PHL 17. She has also spoken to thousands at conferences such as the Professional BusinessWomen of California Conference and the PA Conference for Women.

Laura received her PhD in educational linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania, where she also taught from 2001-2013.

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