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December 14th, 2023

Navigating Financial Concerns of Aging Alone

Navigating Financial Concerns—third unique challenge of Aging alone

The aging alone demographic, often referred to as ‘solo agers’, faces unique challenges that necessitate a tailored approach to financial planning. The strategy outlined here focuses on four critical areas: Retirement Planning, healthcare costs, Estate planning, and emergency funds. By addressing these key aspects, solo agers can cultivate a more secure and confident financial future.

1. Retirement Planning: Ensuring a Sustainable Income Stream
Retirement planning is crucial. Solo agers must evaluate their retirement savings with a critical eye, considering the absence of a potential spouse’s income or Pension. It’s imperative to:

2. Healthcare Costs: Preparing for Rising Expenses
Healthcare is often the most significant expense in retirement.

3. Estate Planning: Safeguarding Assets and Wishes
Estate planning is not just for the wealthy; it’s a vital tool for ensuring one’s wishes are honored. Solo agers should:

4. Emergency Funds: Building a Financial Safety Net
Finally, establishing an emergency fund is essential.
Liquid Savings: Ideally, enough to cover 6-12 months of living expenses. This fund should be easily accessible and not subject to market fluctuations.

Read the full article—third-unique-challenge-of-aging-alone.html

If you missed the second article of the series, Navigating Solo Isolation and Loneliness, click

Carol Marak, Author, Speaker, Go-to Authority on Aging Alone

After spending nearly a decade helping her elderly parents with the aging issues, Carol had a wake-up call, “Who will do for me all the things I did for my parents?” Taking note of that difficult realization, she got on the stick and created a roadmap to guide her in addressing the inevitable complexities of aging while living alone.

Carol knows what’s truly needed when a person has only herself to rely on.

She has taught hundreds of adults to think more creatively about and to take action for acquiring stronger health, a connected and supportive lifestyle, an inspiring purpose, more engagement, safe and secure finances and legal concerns—and more. Media refers to Carol Marak as the go-to authority of the fastest growing adult population—aging alone aka, solo agers.

Outside of my passion for mentoring and supporting solos, I enjoy the outdoors as an avid walker.

And most importantly, I'm thrilled when individuals begin to explore the wide-range of possibilities they have available to them to live well far beyond tomorrow!


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