As a proud mother, Dorothy was all ready to share very specific stories of when she thought June “should listen to her mother,” including her junior high musical instrument selection, Orange Bowl Queen/King Orange Bowl Game in Miami, taking a job at the “nascent” CNN news network and not marrying her first husband.
“Greetings From Paradise” began as a screen play and it turned into a gift from June to Coral Gables. It is a one act, 80 minute play written by June Thomson Morris, making it’s debut at Miracle Theater on Miracle Mile.
The roaring 20’s happened big time in Coral Gables and the Miami area. At that time, the Prohibition was not taken seriously at all. June says “the booze was pouring in with miles of unprotected coastlines between Bermuda and Cuba.”
1925 the great Florida Land Boom -no more income tax nor inheritance tax so everyone from up north, who had Money, flocked to the Miami area.
In September of 1926, a hurricane leveled Miami and left a path of destruction
June’s Grandmother, Lucy, was there and she experienced the loss of all that had been created and developed because of this one horrific storm.
Dorothy as a proud mother, explains that by writing this play, June has done something that no one else has ever done. It’s the first time that anyone’s written a historically accurate telling of the story of Miami.
Coral Gables is also dedicating a park in Dorothy’s honor. It’s going to be the first theme park in Coral Gables and named “Dorothy.” Dorothy was raised in Peekskill, New York where in the 1800’s, L. Frank Baum, the author of the Wizard of Oz, attended the Peekskill Military Academy for two years. When L. Frank Baum was looking for his new school, a gentleman told him to “follow the yellow brink road” and you’ll find the academy.
Link for June Thomson, the 84th Orange Bowl Queen:
Social Media Links: June Thomson Morris
Social Media Links for Dorothy Thomsom:
FB: Dorothy Thomson
IG: Birddot1934
“Should Have Listened To My Mother” is an ongoing conversation about mothers/female role models and the roles they play in our lives. Jackie’s guests are open and honest and answer the question, are you who you are today because of, or in spite of, your mother and so much more. You’ll be amazed at what the responses are.
Gina Kunadian wrote this 5 Star review on Apple Podcast:
“A Heartfelt and Insightful Exploration of Maternal Love”
Jackie Tantillo’s “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast is a treasure and it’s clear why it’s a 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Award Nominee. This show delves into the profound impact mother and maternal role models have on our lives through personal stories and reflections.
Each episode offers a chance to learn how different individuals have been shaped by their mothers’ actions and words. Jackie skillfully guides these conversations, revealing why guests with similar backgrounds have forged different paths.
This podcast is a collection of timeless stories that highlight the powerful role of maternal figures in our society. Whether your mother influenced you positively or you thrived despite challenges, this show resonates deeply.
I highly recommend “Should Have Listened To My Mother” Podcast for its insightful, heartfelt and enriching content.
Gina Kunadian
“Should Have Listened To My Mother” would not be possible without the generosity, sincerity and insight from my guests. In 2018/2019, in getting ready to launch my podcast, so many were willing to give their time and share their personal stories of their relationship with their mother, for better or worse and what they learned from that maternal relationship.
Some of my guests include Nationally and Internationally recognized authors, Journalists, Columbia University Professors, Health Practitioners, Scientists, Artists, Attorneys, Baritone Singer, Pulitzer Prize Winning Journalist, Activists, Freighter Sea Captain, Film Production Manager, Professor of Writing Montclair State University, Attorney and family advocate @CUNY Law; NYC First Responder/NYC Firefighter, Child and Adult Special Needs Activist, Property Manager, Chefs, Self Help Advocates, therapists and so many more talented and insightful women and men.
Jackie has worked in the broadcasting industry for over four decades. She has interviewed many fascinating people including musicians, celebrities, authors, activists, entrepreneurs, politicians and more.
A big thank you goes to Ricky Soto, NYC based Graphic Designer, who created the logo for “Should Have Listened To My Mother”.
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