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If the End User Hates It, the Sale is Toast Says Russ Broomell

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Fred DiamondIf the End User Hates It, the Sale is Toast Says Russ Broomell
  1. If the End User Hates It, the Sale is Toast Says Russ Broomell Fred Diamond 11:32

This is episode 743.

Read the complete transcription on the Sales Game Changers Podcast website.

This is a Sales Story and a Tip episode! 

Read more about the Institute for Excellence in Sales Premier Women in Sales Employer (PWISE) designation and program here.

Purchase Fred Diamond’s best-sellers Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic Lyme Survivor Need to Know and Insights for Sales Game Changers now!

Today’s show featured an interview with Faheem Moosa, founder of Consulting Leap.

Find Russ on LinkedIn.

RUSS’ TIP:  “That phrase, ‘If the pressman doesn’t like it, it ain’t going to work,’ has stayed with me since the 1990s, and it still applies to every sales situation I’ve been in. No matter how senior the buyer is, I’ve learned that the people actually using your product—the ones with their hands on it—are the ones who make or break the deal.”

🚀 Key Takeaways:

✅ The real influencers aren’t always at the top. End users—like press operators, admins, or engineers—can make or break a deal based on their experience with your product.

✅ Get the ground truth before the boardroom pitch. Talking to the people who actually use the Technology uncovers insights and blockers that execs and procurement might not even be aware of.

Relationships still matter—especially with users. Building trust with everyday users can uncover deal-closing intel and build lasting loyalty beyond just the contract signers.


Fred Diamond Sales Thought Leader

Fred Diamond is the host and producer of the award-winning Sales Game Changers Podcast and is the cofounder of the Institute for Excellence in Sales (IES). He is also an advocate for Lyme disease treatment and is a frequent article contributor to His "Love, Hope, Lyme" podcast launched in May 2023. His books, “Love, Hope, Lyme: What Family Members, Partners, and Friends Who Love a Chronic Lyme Survivor Need to Know” and “Insights for Sales Game Changers: Lessons from the Most Important Sales Leaders on the Planet” are now available on Amazon.


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