1. Audio of Wendy DeWitt's "Sensible Food Storage" Seminar Joshua Sheats 58:53

This is an audio-only version of Wendy DeWitt’s “Sensible Food Storage” seminar. This is the most practical, complete seminar on home food storage I’ve ever been able to find.

You can view the original video version of this file here: https://youtu.be/GY5kiCzaeYc

You can also download the PDF handouts of this seminar here with these links. 

This handout contains the instructions for how to do Wendy’s system: http://traffic.libsyn.com/radicalpersonalfinance/Everything_Under_the_Sun_by_Wendy_DeWitt.pdf 

This handout contains Wendy’s sample meals with recipes and amounts calculated out for you: http://traffic.libsyn.com/radicalpersonalfinance/Everything_Made_Simple_by_Wendy_DeWitt.pdf 

Joshua Sheats Teacher, Host, Broadcaster, Entrepreneur

Joshua J. Sheats, MSFS, is the world's leading authority on integrating lifestyle goals and money goals without conflict. He teaches normal people how to seamlessly connect the science of financial planning with the joy of goal achievement.

Joshua is dedicated to helping normal people achieve financial freedom by merging creative (and crazy) ideas from the world of personal finance with the academic integrity of formal financial planning. He simplifies complex money topics and makes boring financial mumbo-jumbo less boring.