1. 50. K. Bhatta MD MEDITATION and INTERMITTENT SILENCE Winject Studios 33:21

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Dr. Bhatta has been a medical practitioner for over twenty years. He is associated with several medical facilities including Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center, St. Joseph Hospital, and Northern Light Sebasticook Valley Hospital.

During his career, Dr.Bhatta developed a fascination with spiritual studies. He worked to study the high rate of burnout in the physician community and complete lack of peace. To address this issue, Dr. Bhatta leveraged spiritual studies to understand human consciousness and find a solution to prevent burnout and accelerate the health of the human mind and body through meditation and deep relaxation.

Questions Answered

1. How do you know you are meditating and not just daydreaming?

2. What is the difference between meditation and Intermittent silence?

3. How does meditation bring about High Energy Living?

4. What are the five pillars of success five pillars of success

Find Dr. Bhatta Here https://wikitia.com/wiki/Krishna_Bhatta https://relaxx.org https://krishnauniverse.com

Dr. Bhatta currently serves as the chief of urology at the Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center.[8][9]

Dr. Bhatta, with his research, developed an advanced meditation application called Relaxx, which leverages intermittent silence and meditation to help the users go on a spiritual journey to unwind and achieve peace, health, happiness, tranquility, and relaxation by reducing stress and burnout.[10] The purpose of creating such an application was to bring Eastern spiritual values and its essential elements to the Western world. This application contains a variety of guided and unguided meditation practice modules that aim at creating an individualized experience by rejuvenating the mind, body, and the flame (of consciousness).[11]

Dr. Bhatta is the author of two books, Gita Today and Journey from Life to Life: Achieving Higher Purpose.[12] Gita Today was published in 2011, which is based on the Indian holy scripture Gita, which brings forth the ideology of success from a newer perspective. The journey from Journey from Life to Life: Achieving Higher Purpose was released in 2019, which aims at bridging the gap between the western and eastern philosophy by answering spiritual questions with a practical bent of mind.





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