Did you hear what the word of the year is for 2024? Oxford University just announced that the word of the year is Brain Rot. That’s right Brain Rot. And yes, that’s actually two words. I guess that’s why you should never trust a University named after a shoe style… but, what do I know…?
As you may or may not know Brain Rot refers to the deterioration of a person’s mental state due to an overconsumption of trivial online social media content.
Spending hours doom-scrolling cat videos and reading clickbait headlines will turn your brain chemistry to mush.
I’ve tried to stop thinking about Brain Rot but my brain couldn’t wrap its neurons around it so I created this video to see what few brain cells I might have left.
Oops, gotta go, just got a notification…must be important…
"Fighting Ageism One Bad Joke At A Time!"
Podcaster, Videographer, Blogger, Comedian, and turning 74 in 2025. Created the Old and in the Way Podcast which is featured on YouTube, Facebook, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Boomheart Radio (and many other podcast platforms via Podbean), and lastly and kinda fun, TikTok.
The podcast has featured musicians (from the Grateful Dead and Foreigner), the Grateful Dead's only authorized historian, Joel Selvin from Rolling Stone magazine, and a music critic for the San Francisco Chronicle), authors, actors, comedians, and filmmakers. Our shows are light-hearted and fun, and sometimes we do comedy sketches.
Our tagline is "Fighting Ageism One Bad Joke at a Time!
BabyBoomer.org is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.