It was a JOY to speak to Deborah Levine Herman about the second edition of her highly praised book, Spiritual Writing: From Inspiration to Publication, which has been updated to reflect the changes in the marketplace for books of faith.
Deborah Herman has spent over twenty years in the publishing world. A former literary agent, she has brought all her knowledge of writing (she has written 13 books) and experience getting book deals for her clients, into this book that celebrates spiritual writing. A must read for anyone who feels they have been called to write.
Spiritual Writing is a deep dive into the intricacies of the business; the importance of understanding what the industry requires from a writer; and a clear explanation of those things a writer needs to learn—from query letters to book proposals to marketing techniques.
I enjoyed talking to Deborah about her love for books and the goals of her company, Soul Odyssey Books. For anyone interested in writing books that tap into the growing interest into spirituality, you must visit her website.
This book is an inspiring, motivating, and captivating look at the spiritual life and the falling to write. It is based on the premise that there are writers who write because they want to and those who write because they have to. Spiritual writers are drawn to the process by a sense of mission. However, the spiritual writer’s mission and the realities of publishing are often at odds. This unique book provides the nuts and bolts and do’s and don’ts of how to get published in this often misunderstood arena. This second edition is updated to include the digital world and the expanded opportunities this brings for nontraditional publishing
Soul Odyssey Books is a division of MICRO PUBLISHING MEDIA a TOP INDIE PUBLISHERS created by Deborah Herman, an industry industry insider and bestselling author, to fill the gap between self-publishing and the out-of-reach conglomerates. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.