Golden Girls Living Show, Season 1, Episode 1
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
8:00 AM PST
9:00 AM MST
9:00 AM MDT
10:00 AM CST
11:00 AM EST
Welcome to the Premiere of Golden Girls Living, a LIVE show designed to enlighten, inspire, motivate and re-engage women over 55. What does it mean to be a “GOLDEN” Girl? It means a loving, spiritual, passionate, kind, grateful, animal loving woman who no longer wants to be forgotten. A woman who wants to give back. A woman who realizes she DOES MATTER and is willing to take steps to change her Lifestyle experience to be Purposeful, Passionate and Stimulating in a community of like minded women.
Our Show Sponsor is ION (Intelligence of Nature): Gut Health is the KEY to all Health. Strengthen your Gut health from the ground up. It’s especially important for mature adults. We need all the help we can get. These are remarkable products. When purchased, a percentage is given to support the Golden Girls Living Show. Here is the link for you to explore:
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