Dealing With Difficult Borrowers: Shining Light Into The Dark Side Of Note Investing With Chris Seveney
- Dealing With Difficult Borrowers: Shining Light Into The Dark Side Of Note Investing With Chris Seveney Chris Seveney 18:20
Today, Chris Seveney of 7e Investments delves into the dark side of note investing, which investors encounter that is often overlooked. He navigates toward foreclosure, bankruptcy, and legal proceedings with difficult borrowers. He also reveals that some borrowers employ strategic tactics to prolong the foreclosure. Chris emphasizes the protracted nature of foreclosure proceedings and underscores the importance of considering economic conditions. Chris Seveney won’t just leave you with the challenges of note investing; he also offers some insights into potential mitigation strategies. While this episode primarily focuses on the challenges, it’s essential to remember that note investing can still be a profitable venture when approached with caution and a comprehensive understanding of the potential risks. Join Chris Seveney as he delves even deeper into note investing.
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