Saturday - July 27th, 2024
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#ActivitiesStrong 5

  1. #ActivitiesStrong 5 Charles De Vilmorin with Cara Silletto 59:08

Our real-life first-hand stories about the real issues on the T.A.B.L.E. (technology, authority, balance, loyalty, and entitlement) fuel an eye-opening discussion about today’s changing workplace that will shift your mindset about those you work with. A stronger culture means less turnover and high quality of care for residents. Workforce Strategist from Magnet Culture, Cara Silletto, dives into how the resident engagement department plays a role in reducing employee turnover by connecting team members with the “why”.

• Learn about generational cohorts and why their definitions of “professionalism” vary

• Uncover exactly why today’s new workforce thinks and acts so differently in the workplace than previous generations

• Learn how the resident engagement department can improve relationships and retention

The Millennial Mindset ebook.

Connect with Cara on LinkedIn.

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