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June 19th, 2024

Thoughtful Thursdays: Taking a Booze Vacation with Clifford Stephan

  1. Thoughtful Thursdays: Taking a Booze Vacation with Clifford Stephan Michael D. Levitt 24:15

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Clifford Stephan founded Booze Vacation, a health and wellness company for high-performing guys seeking to advance their jobs and lives by leveraging the extensive benefits of a vacation from alcohol. The founder of OneCompensation, a Bay Area consulting firm, has assisted Silicon Valley organizations such as Google, LinkedIn, Kaiser Permanente, and Motorola Mobility in attracting and retaining top talent.

After understanding that recreational drinking hindered his personal and professional success in his 40s, Clifford Stephan founded Booze Vacation.
Despite not being a problem drinker, he took a year off to improve his health and career. Indeed, Booze Vacation was created.

After starting as a passion endeavor, Booze Vacation became a company as others saw its potential for success. Clifford became an accidental TikTok star, garnering millions of views on his videos about better alcohol usage and the opportunity for health, life, and economic success during a “Booze Vacation.”

With a B.S. Degree in Nutritional Science (Cal Poly SLO), he is an ardent surfer, tennis player, and loves the outdoors. With over a dozen long-course triathlons under his belt, he remains committed to competing well into his 80s and beyond.

Quick recap
Discussing Alcohol Consumption and Resources
Clifford’s Journey to Health and Wellness
Clifford, a 51-year-old human resources consultant from the Bay Area, shared his personal journey towards health and wellness, which included taking an extended break from alcohol after realizing its negative impact on his well-being. He expressed his enthusiasm for his new full-time passion project, ‘Booze Vacation,’ aimed at encouraging peers to adopt a similar lifestyle for improved health and wellness. Michael acknowledged the significance and importance of Clifford’s work.
Addressing Alcoholism and Coping Strategies
Michael and Clifford discussed the prevalence and impact of alcoholism within their families and among their peers. They emphasized that alcoholism not only affects physical health but also mental health, and stressed the importance of addressing underlying stressors as a coping mechanism. Clifford highlighted the challenges of navigating an alcohol-centric culture and suggested a dedicated 3-6 month break for those struggling with alcohol abuse. Michael agreed, noting the common issue of burnout and stress within his client base.
Alcohol’s Promotion and Abstention Benefits
Michael highlighted the ubiquitous and normalized promotion of alcohol in various social settings, such as sporting events, concerts, and restaurants. He noted the potential negative effects on those who consume alcohol, including peer pressure and impairment of judgment. However, he also pointed out the potential benefits of abstention, such as improved health, altered eating habits, better sleep, and increased Resilience to stressors. He hinted at the positive changes in physical appearance and overall success that can result from these benefits.
Breaking Free From Alcohol: A Path to Wellness
Michael shared his positive experience of giving up alcohol and the improvements it brought to his life. Clifford emphasized the importance of taking a break from alcohol for overall health and wellbeing, and highlighted the negative impact alcohol use can have on various systems in the body. Both agreed on the potential long-term consequences of chronic alcohol use, including the development of chronic diseases and the need for lifelong medication. The discussion also touched on the societal pressure to consume alcohol and the challenge of breaking free from this norm.
Michael’s Personal Journey to Sobriety and Its Benefits
Michael shared his personal experience of being sober for over a year, which he attributed to improved health, clarity, and performance in various aspects of his life. He emphasized the benefits of this lifestyle change, such as better digestion, cleaner blood work, and increased capability to take on new challenges. He also encouraged others to make positive adjustments for their well-being, especially those in high-performing positions, as he believed it could significantly enhance their professional and personal lives.
Booze Vacation: A Program for Positive Change
Clifford discussed his motivation for creating ‘Booze Vacation’, a program designed to help individuals take a break from alcohol. He emphasized the program’s goal to normalize the idea of taking a break from alcohol, providing tools and resources to aid the process. He stressed that the decision to take a break is the most challenging but also the most beneficial step towards positive change. Clifford encouraged his peers to try ‘Booze Vacation’, highlighting its potential for improving physical and mental health, and its ability to help individuals enjoy life without relying on alcohol.
Improving Performance Through Mindfulness, Sobriety, and
Michael and Clifford had a discussion about improving personal and professional performance through mindfulness and sobriety. Michael expressed his appreciation for Clifford’s work and his desire to share it with his audience. Clifford highlighted the importance of being present, engaged, and real, and how his platform,, offers tools and resources for individuals seeking to improve their well-being. 

Michael Levitt Chief Burnout Officer

Michael D. Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout consulting firm. He is a Keynote speaker on The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting and Burnout. He is the host of the Breakfast Leadership show, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of his latest book BURNOUT PROOF.

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