Is it possible to live a more sustainable life in the midst of our fast-paced world?Answering that question and more today on Be The Good with Kate with the founder of Leave No Trace, Liz McDade.
**Welcome to Be The Good with Kate, the show where guests leave you inspired to uncover your passions, and discover tangible ways to make a difference along the way. **Some of what we talk about on this episode:-Decreasing the overwhelm in making sustainable choices.-How, despite being a busy mom who works multiple jobs, Liz has found many ways to make sustainability a part of her, and her family’s, Lifestyle – & how you can, too.-Awareness: There are probably more opportunities around you than you realize to make sustainable choices.-The array of free resources Liz provides online for people from creating their own bags, to mending their clothes, & more
From the bio:
“Liz McDade is a creative who teaches others how to craft a zero waste life with sewing & mending projects & zero waste lifestyle tips. She’s been featured in the San Jose Mercury News, and several podcasts including Hippie Haven; Sustainably Now; Etsy Conversations; Grounded in Maine, & Measure Twice, Cut Once. Learn more about her current work at”
**It’s your host, Kate Cherichello Tente, here — Thanks for listening!
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