The three boomers chat with their friend, cruise director Rich, and learn what's new in the world of cruise vacations from a cruise expert. And, it's really funny.
Do you like technology? Of course not, you're a boomer. Join Dale, Tim, and Carolyn as they discuss the trials and tribulations of technology...and make it very funny.
This week the three boomers are joined by Robert B. O'Connor, author of Jeep Show, a story of entertainers at the Battle of the Bulge. We boomers weren't in WW II but our parents or grandparents...
The three boomers, accompanied by film critic Vickie Quade, examine the upcoming awards show and make their predictions. As always, it's award winning fun.
It's winter and for most of us that means it's quite cold. Listen to the three boomers as they chat about how they kept warm in the good old days of their youth.
Louis Katz had the courage to appear on our show, and talk about getting more courageous. Of course, Dale, Tim, and Carolyn take him to task and have a lot of fun.
Who exactly, are the Baby Boomers? And how many different kinds of us are there? Inquiring minds want to know, so the minds of Dale, Tim, and Carolyn set about finding the answer, or making one up.
This week we talk with noted costume designer, Bartholomew, who describes the art of making Halloween costumes. He gives no valuable information but it sure is funny.
Is it fall or is it Autumn? And what do we need to do to properly prepare for it? The three boomers discuss plans and preparations for the autumnal season.
As we enter fall, we also enter the "fashion season" and this week we talk about fashion for the baby boomer. Join Dale, Tim, and Carolyn as we figure out how to dress for success or distress.