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May 22nd, 2024

Manage Your Thoughts to Heal and Live a Powerful Life

  1. Manage Your Thoughts to Heal and Live a Powerful Life Cathy Lee Taylor 20:47

This episode of Aging & Spirituality explores the profound influence of our thoughts on well-being.

Hosts Cathy Lee Taylor and Chris Jensen delve into the concept that our minds can be allies or adversaries. They share personal anecdotes and teachings from various spiritual paths to illustrate the power of thought.

In this episode, we share wisdom from multiple traditions, including:

The Bhagavad Gita’s emphasis on controlling the wandering mind.

The Baha’i writings highlight thought as a divine gift for healing and growth.

The Dhammapada’s message is about the connection between thoughts and actions.

The Bible’s analogy of an undisciplined mind as a vulnerable city.

The good news is that we can find peace amidst the mental storm with the right spiritual practices. Many paths acknowledge the power of thought.

We share the inspiring story of Morris Goodman, who defied paralysis through the power of positive thought. Anita Moorjani’s near-death experience and subsequent cancer remission offer another testament to the mind-body connection.

The episode concludes with a call to action: harnessing the power of thought to heal ourselves and the world.

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

Cathy Lee Taylor Aging & Spirituality

I'm Cathy Lee Taylor - entrepreneur, author, and podcaster obsessed with personal mastery, self-empowerment, women's equality, our human potential, and aging & spirituality. With my co-host, Chris Jensen, we have over 110 podcasts on subjects covering yoga, aging, spirituality, and how to reach inside yourself and realize your highest potential. We are both yogis with daily meditation practices, and you can learn pranayam and yoga with us online.

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