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ALLMAN BROTHERS’ Sons: Devon and Duane Betts Lead Southern Rock

  1. ALLMAN BROTHERS’ Sons: Devon and Duane Betts Lead Southern Rock Sandy Kaye 52:00

The Allman Brothers Band, established in 1969 in Georgia, stands as a cornerstone of Southern rock and American music history. Founded by brothers Duane and Gregg Allman, along with Dickey Betts, Butch Trucks, Berry Oakley, and Jai Johanny “Jaimoe” Johanson, the band was instrumental in blending rock, blues, jazz, and country music into a genre-defining sound. Their innovative use of dual lead guitars and extended improvisational jams set them apart, creating a live experience that was both powerful and deeply emotional.

Tragically, Duane Allman’s death in a motorcycle accident in 1971 was a devastating blow, but the band soldiered on, with guitarist Dickey Betts stepping up as a leading creative force. The subsequent album, Eat a Peach (1972), featured both live and studio tracks.

Throughout the 70s, the Allman Brothers Band produced a series of critically acclaimed albums, intertwining guitar lines earned them a massive following. However, the late 70s brought internal tensions, substance abuse issues, and the death of bassist Berry Oakley, leading to several breakups and reunions.

The band experienced a resurgence in the late 80s and 90s and officially disbanded in 2014.

During this time Gregg Allman shared a complex and evolving relationship with his son, Devon. Born in 1972 Devon grew up largely separated from his famous father due to Gregg’s demanding career and his battle with substance abuse. Despite this distance, Devon was profoundly influenced by his father’s music and the Legacy of the Allman Brothers Band.

As Devon grew, he pursued his own path in music, forming the band Honeytribe and later joining the Royal Southern Brotherhood. Despite their time apart, music became a bridge between father and son. Gregg and Devon reconnected and shared the stage at various times.

Following Gregg’s death in 2017, Devon continued to carry the torch of Southern rock through The Allman Betts Band, a group he formed with Duane Betts, son of Allman Brothers guitarist Dickey Betts.

The Allman Betts Band re-captures the spirit of the Allman Brothers and the chemistry between Devon and Duane is palpable.

Their collaboration is not just a continuation of their family legacies but a creative partnership that has revitalised the Southern rock genre for the modern era.

For more on Devon Allman head for

Hello, I’m Sandy Kaye. A freelance broadcaster, journalist and producer who has spent more than 35 years on both sides of radio and television microphones. I’ve worked with every TV network in Australia, have produced and presented for countless radio stations around the country and have hosted my own commercial radio talk-back show. I’ve even held the distinction of being Sydney’s first female newsreader on radio – way back when!

Today my passion is A Breath of Fresh Air which allows me to immerse myself in one of my favourite things – music. I just love all kinds of music and am fascinated by the people who make it. In particular, it’s the music of the '60s '70s and '80s that takes me back to my youth and means so much to me.

As a journalist, I’m all about digging deep into the classic hits of our time.
I bring you intimate, warm, fireside chats with the artists who tell us about their lives both then and now.
We learn about what makes them tick, who they are in their professional and private lives and how they went about making the soundtrack to our lives.

'A Breath of Fresh Air’ is exceptional - exceptional not because of me, but rather because of the stories that some of the best-known musical artists choose to share with me.

I created this podcast to honour them. It’s all about THEIR lives, THEIR stories, THEIR music, told now, in THEIR voices, before they’re lost forever.

I see my podcast as a personal labour of love, but also as an archival legacy for music fans and practitioners alike, both current and future, who otherwise might never know of the amazing people who helped build the industry.

I really hope you enjoy each and every episode of A Breath of Fresh Air.


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