Understanding Medicare
Navigating the intricacies of Medicare can be a daunting task for Baby Boomers. Medicare is a cornerstone of Retirement Planning in the United States, providing health insurance to people over the age of 65, as well as to younger individuals with certain disabilities or diseases. Understanding Medicare’s structure, options, and benefits is essential for making informed healthcare decisions and in this section of the site our experts address the information we need to make smart decisions.
Medicare is a federal health insurance program initiated in 1965. Medicare consists of four parts: Part A (Hospital Insurance), Part B (Medical Insurance), Part C (Medicare Advantage), and Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage). Making informed decisions about Medicare can significantly impact your health and financial wellbeing. Whether you’re a Baby Boomer already enrolled in Medicare, nearing the eligible age, or assisting a loved one, understanding Medicare will ensure a more secure and healthy future.
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Different ways to pay for senior living:So you’ve decided you or your loved one needs senior living - how much is it going to cost? A 2020 study by Genworth determined that the U.S. average for assisted living is $4,429 a month, though it could be less (or even more) depending on where you live! B…
Different ways to pay for senior living:So you’ve decided you or your loved one needs senior living - how much is it going to cost? A 2020 study by Genworth determined that the U.S. average for assi…
Different ways to pay for senior living:So you’ve decided you or your loved one needs senior living - how much is it going to cost? A 2020 study by Genworth determined that the U.S. average for assisted living is $4,429 a month, though it could be less (or even more) depending on where you live! Budget is a huge factor in determining what’s available to you. Unfortunately, there’s also a huge misconception that Medicare will cover the cost. That is simply not the case.With that in mind, as a Senior Living Expert, I'll be sharing 10 ways to pay for senior living. Depending on how you’ve…

Program note: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! This episode was recorded after I endured the "Fungus Among Us" but is presented out of order. References to my disease should be ignored. The "Peoples' Action Network" sounds like the Symbionese Liberation Army. On at least one day l…
Program note: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! This episode was recorded after I endured the "Fungus Among Us" but is presented out of order. References to my disease should be ignor…
Program note: Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain! This episode was recorded after I endured the "Fungus Among Us" but is presented out of order. References to my disease should be ignored. The "Peoples' Action Network" sounds like the Symbionese Liberation Army. On at least one day last summer they expressed interest in making a health insurance company more accountable to its customers. In Your Medicare Benefits 2024, we learn how Medicare will help you if you have more than one serious medical condition and need expert assistance. Finally, Jeffrey, who says he is a big fan, w…

In Texas, South West Health Resources is ending their Medicare advantage plans due to "headwinds" from our Medicare Advantage Minute. Your Medicare Benefits 2024 describes how Medicare will cover checkups and testing for female problems. David writes a lengthy paragraph full of questions about how t…
In Texas, South West Health Resources is ending their Medicare advantage plans due to "headwinds" from our Medicare Advantage Minute. Your Medicare Benefits 2024 describes how Medicare will cover chec…
In Texas, South West Health Resources is ending their Medicare advantage plans due to "headwinds" from our Medicare Advantage Minute. Your Medicare Benefits 2024 describes how Medicare will cover checkups and testing for female problems. David writes a lengthy paragraph full of questions about how the insurance each of his family members will be affected when he enrolls in Tricare For Life. Talk about a complicated situation! Contact me at: (Most severe critic: A+) Visit us on: BabyBoomer.ORG Inspired by: "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simples…

*Please comment and share* If you want to succeed in dating, marriage, and friendship, OR are divorced and want to know why, listen in as Matthew Fray, author of This is how your marriage ends: A hopeful approach to saving relationships, shares how our seemingly innocent behaviors we do with no thou…
*Please comment and share* If you want to succeed in dating, marriage, and friendship, OR are divorced and want to know why, listen in as Matthew Fray, author of This is how your marriage ends: A hope…
*Please comment and share* If you want to succeed in dating, marriage, and friendship, OR are divorced and want to know why, listen in as Matthew Fray, author of This is how your marriage ends: A hopeful approach to saving relationships, shares how our seemingly innocent behaviors we do with no thought destroys love and trust.Matthew discusses how generally perceived innocent or benign acts in a relationship can erode and destroy trust over time. A relationship absent trust does not feel safe. More importantly, losing trust does not have to be caused by a major event. He relates the story of h…

According to "Your Medicare Benefits 2024" Medicare will pay to have your cataracts burned off those baby-blues! You might have some decisions to make, though. United Healthcare lost another of their in-network hospital chains in six states: Trinity Hospitals. Finally, a fan of MLM named Lola wrote …
According to "Your Medicare Benefits 2024" Medicare will pay to have your cataracts burned off those baby-blues! You might have some decisions to make, though. United Healthcare lost another of their …
According to "Your Medicare Benefits 2024" Medicare will pay to have your cataracts burned off those baby-blues! You might have some decisions to make, though. United Healthcare lost another of their in-network hospital chains in six states: Trinity Hospitals. Finally, a fan of MLM named Lola wrote in with a perplexing question: She is on Medicaid and will soon turn 65. Can she ignore Medicare? Turns out, Perplexity AI said no, she can't. The good news is that after she enrolls in Medicare, Medicaid may step up to pay the Part B premium for a "dual eligible" like Lola. Last I heard, she was he…

135 Death Essentials: Education and Empowerment for End-of-Life Care, Featuring Amy Hensley MSN, RN and Erin Putney MSN, RN In episode 135 of 'Hospice Explained,' host Marie Betcher RN continues her discussion with returning guests Amy Hensley and Erin Putney, both master's prepared end-of-life e…
135 Death Essentials: Education and Empowerment for End-of-Life Care, Featuring Amy Hensley MSN, RN and Erin Putney MSN, RN In episode 135 of 'Hospice Explained,' host Marie Betcher RN continues he…
135 Death Essentials: Education and Empowerment for End-of-Life Care, Featuring Amy Hensley MSN, RN and Erin Putney MSN, RN In episode 135 of 'Hospice Explained,' host Marie Betcher RN continues her discussion with returning guests Amy Hensley and Erin Putney, both master's prepared end-of-life educators. They stress the importance of communicating end-of-life choices and normalizing conversations about death. They discuss their 'Death Essentials' workshop for nurses and 'Sips and Wishes' workshop for the general public, emphasizing education, emotional intelligence, and practical decision…

In the Medicare Advantage Minute, a hospital chain based in Huntsville, AL and environs parts company with United Healthcare, leaving many former members in the lurch. If you acquire a caregiver (or "caretaker" as I prefer), and that person needs some training in order to perform effectively, Medica…
In the Medicare Advantage Minute, a hospital chain based in Huntsville, AL and environs parts company with United Healthcare, leaving many former members in the lurch. If you acquire a caregiver (or "…
In the Medicare Advantage Minute, a hospital chain based in Huntsville, AL and environs parts company with United Healthcare, leaving many former members in the lurch. If you acquire a caregiver (or "caretaker" as I prefer), and that person needs some training in order to perform effectively, Medicare will assist in accomplishing that. In a lengthy segment we wrap up the podcast by listing nine changes affecting Medicare in 2025. Contact me at: (Most severe critic: A+) Visit us on: BabyBoomer.ORG Inspired by: "MEDICARE FOR THE LAZY MAN 2024; Simpl…

In Episode 183, Fred Saide discusses effective strategies for generating tax-free retirement income and the importance of tax planning in retirement. He emphasizes that many retirees may not realize their tax situation could worsen and highlights the significance of withdrawal strategies and tax imp…
In Episode 183, Fred Saide discusses effective strategies for generating tax-free retirement income and the importance of tax planning in retirement. He emphasizes that many retirees may not realize t…
In Episode 183, Fred Saide discusses effective strategies for generating tax-free retirement income and the importance of tax planning in retirement. He emphasizes that many retirees may not realize their tax situation could worsen and highlights the significance of withdrawal strategies and tax implications on Social Security and Medicare. The conversation also delves into Roth conversions, their benefits, and the necessity of a comprehensive tax strategy to navigate the complexities of the tax code and ensure financial stability in retirement. Reach Fred Saide at 800-593-8188. Money Matters …

United Healthcare sues the Feds due to a reduction in star ratings. This trouble started with a single marketing call that went south; probably a secret shopper. Learn how Medicare would cover cardiovascular counseling and screenings. If your doc accepts Medicare reimbursement you will probably pay …
United Healthcare sues the Feds due to a reduction in star ratings. This trouble started with a single marketing call that went south; probably a secret shopper. Learn how Medicare would cover cardiov…
United Healthcare sues the Feds due to a reduction in star ratings. This trouble started with a single marketing call that went south; probably a secret shopper. Learn how Medicare would cover cardiovascular counseling and screenings. If your doc accepts Medicare reimbursement you will probably pay nothing for these procedures. A lengthy list of insurance company rate filings shows that we are still suffering the ill-effects of a long inflationary spiral. Finally, Steve's brother-in-law strongly suggested the purchase of "Medicare for the Lazy Man". While waiting for delivery he thought up som…

What’s the current stage of retirement and aging in the US? And how did we get here? James Chappel discusses his new book Golden Years: How Americans Invented and Reinvented Old Age, the impact of The Gray Panthers and why The Golden Girls is “the most important TV show in the history of America…
What’s the current stage of retirement and aging in the US? And how did we get here? James Chappel discusses his new book Golden Years: How Americans Invented and Reinvented Old Age, the impact of T…
What’s the current stage of retirement and aging in the US? And how did we get here? James Chappel discusses his new book Golden Years: How Americans Invented and Reinvented Old Age, the impact of The Gray Panthers and why The Golden Girls is “the most important TV show in the history of American aging.” James Chappel joins us from Durham, North Carolina. ___________________ Bio James Chappel is the Gilhuly Family Associate Professor of History at Duke University and a senior fellow at the Duke Aging Center. He’s the author of the new book Golden Years: How Americans Invented and Reinv…