Saturday - March 22nd, 2025
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Experts &Raquo; Carl%20Pickleball
Carl Landau Author, Podcaster

Carl Landau is co-author of the new book, Pickleball for dummies. He has been an entrepreneur since the age of 26 and now in (un)Retirement is founder of Pickleball Media. He has started and sold three successful media companies, published five magazines (software development, winemaking and craft brewing industries). He currently hosts the popular podcast I Used to be Somebody, inspiring 50-plus-year-olds how to build their (un)retirement good life, including, of course, a little bit about the virtues of the game he loves — pickleball.

Books Authored By Carl Landau

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Mitch Dunn: Ad Agency Wiz Becomes Pickleball Entrepreneur  &Amp;Raquo; Iutbs092 Mitch Dunn
Mitch Dunn: Ad Agency Wiz Becomes Pickleball Entrepreneur 

Mitch Dunn is the poster child for what (Un)Retirement is all about. He had an amazing career for 30+ years in the ad agency business, starting at the legendary Leo Burnett agency and eventually worke…

Mitch Dunn is the po…

Mitch Dunn is the poster child for what (Un)Retirement is all about. He had an amazing career for 30+ years in the ad agency business, starting at the legendary Leo Burnett agency and eventually worked his way up to Senior VP at Empower. One fateful day his boss "uninvited" him to stay at the agency. This happens to so many talented people that are 50+, as companies want to drop a high salary. But Mitch was prepared! He had started a side hustle by founding the Cincinnati Pickleball Club for the community. He embraced his passion for pickleball and then took it next level. He thought, "What if…

Listen · 1:01:27
Rebecca Davis: Co-Creator Of &Amp;Quot;Join Or Die&Amp;Quot; &Amp;Raquo; Iutbs091 Rebecca Davis
Rebecca Davis: Co-Creator of "Join or Die"

How can you not be drawn in by that title? What the heck? "Join or Die" is a hit documentary playing on Netflix right now. Carl watched the movie and was such a fan of the movie and it's message. It b…

How can you not be d…

How can you not be drawn in by that title? What the heck? "Join or Die" is a hit documentary playing on Netflix right now. Carl watched the movie and was such a fan of the movie and it's message. It brought back to him some wonderful memories when he was part of a club that he loved -- the Odd Fellows. He was very fortunate and was able to connect with the movie's co-creator, Rebecca Davis. Rebecca was inspired by the work of political scientist and author Robert Putnam, whose earlier work, "Bowling Alone" went viral. Americans had stopped joining clubs and civic organizations. Even the number…

Listen · 47:25
Paul Giobbi: High Tech Entrepreneur Starts &Amp;Quot;The Exit Club&Amp;Quot; &Amp;Raquo; Image Ep090 Giobbi 500X
Paul Giobbi: High Tech Entrepreneur Starts "The Exit Club"

Carl talked to big-time entrepreneur Paul Giobbi about what it's like to build a company into a high tech power house, sell the business interest and then face a midlife retirement. It sounds easy but…

Carl talked to big-t…

Carl talked to big-time entrepreneur Paul Giobbi about what it's like to build a company into a high tech power house, sell the business interest and then face a midlife retirement. It sounds easy but it's not. Paul has been on an amazing journey for the past 4 years and we take you with us on the ride. It all started when Paul was 11 years old and he went to work in the family publishing and events business. Instead of participating in school sports, he spent his time working. He eventually left the family business and worked in tech. In 2000, he co-founded Zumasys, a fast-growing Technology

Listen · 46:03
Jordan (Doc G) Grumet: Former Doc Shares How To Live A Regret-Free Life &Amp;Raquo; Iutbs089 Doc G
Jordan (Doc G) Grumet: Former Doc Shares How to Live a Regret-Free Life

It took Carl 89 episodes but he finally found a former doctor who has created an amazing second act. Not just any doctor, "Doc G" has a super popular podcast (Earn & Invest) and is a best-selling …

It took Carl 89 epis…

It took Carl 89 episodes but he finally found a former doctor who has created an amazing second act. Not just any doctor, "Doc G" has a super popular podcast (Earn & Invest) and is a best-selling author. His story is a dramatic one. After 15 years of being an internal medicine doc he found himself totally burnt out and had some sort of breakdown. He found his passion and voice in becoming a podcast star, talking about Investing and giving people life advice on how to find true happiness and purpose.  He shares some of the best (un)retirement advice we've ever learned on the show gleaned f…

Listen · 56:26
Steve Hoffman: Food Writer And Author Of French Countryside Experience! &Amp;Raquo; Iutbs088 Steve Hoffman
Steve Hoffman: Food Writer and Author of French Countryside Experience!

How does a Tax Preparer from Minnesota end up moving his family to a little village in the French Countryside end up becoming an award-winning food writer and publishing his memoir about the experienc…

How does a Tax Prepa…

How does a Tax Preparer from Minnesota end up moving his family to a little village in the French Countryside end up becoming an award-winning food writer and publishing his memoir about the experience with a big-time book publisher?    Today's guest Steve Hoffman's story is so unlikely. Back in 2012, Steve dreamed of living in France with images of swimming in the ocean on the coast and then sipping with a wonderful glass of Rosé. The reality was that he brought his wife and two children to a hard-working, hot and dusty winemaking village. No one spoke English. To say the beginning of this…

Listen · 55:59
Suna Kneisley: &Amp;Quot;Kitty Hotel&Amp;Quot; Second Act Success Story! &Amp;Raquo; Iutbs087 Suna Kneisley
Suna Kneisley: "Kitty Hotel" Second Act Success Story!

We've gone CAT crazy this month on the podcast. They say cats have 9 lives. Our guest Suna Kneisley is probably on life #5. Her story starts in Korea where she was born. She was raised in a small town…

We've gone CAT crazy…

We've gone CAT crazy this month on the podcast. They say cats have 9 lives. Our guest Suna Kneisley is probably on life #5. Her story starts in Korea where she was born. She was raised in a small town in the Midwest where she was the only Asian kid in town. At 12 years old, she helped run her family's 24-hour donut shop. In her 20's, Suna lands in Silicon Valley as a marketing exec at Intuit and Oracle. Eventually, she launched her own Real Estate investment company. And this is when things get even more interesting. She sees an opportunity and pounces on the Cat business, running a non-profit…

Listen · 46:58
Joe Saul-Sehy: &Amp;Quot;Stacking Benjamins&Amp;Quot; In His Mom'S Basement! &Amp;Raquo; Iutbs086 Joe Saul Sehy
Joe Saul-Sehy: "Stacking Benjamins" in his Mom's Basement!

Carl interviews "Stacking Benjamins" host Joe Saul-Sehy. Joe is a former financial advisor and has represented American Express and Ameriprise in media. He left his financial advisor career at age 40 …

Carl interviews "Sta…

Carl interviews "Stacking Benjamins" host Joe Saul-Sehy. Joe is a former financial advisor and has represented American Express and Ameriprise in media. He left his financial advisor career at age 40 and reinvented himself into what he truly wanted to do. He was the "Money Man" on WXYZ-TV in Detroit and has appeared in countless newspapers and magazines, including the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Sun-Times, Detroit News and more.  And now, his award-winning podcast is one of the most listened to in the personal Finance sphere. Plus, he's funny as hell! (Full disclosure: Carl is a total fanboy o…

Listen · 1:02:20
Meet The (Un)Retirement Experts -- Paul Long, Gary Sirak And Dr. Ron Kaiser &Amp;Raquo; Ep85.Apple .Card
Meet the (Un)Retirement Experts — Paul Long, Gary Sirak and Dr. Ron Kaiser

THREE for the price of one! What a deal. Yes, we're shaking things up in this episode with a little different format. Instead of just one guest who's had a really interesting second act, we're talking…

THREE for the price …

THREE for the price of one! What a deal. Yes, we're shaking things up in this episode with a little different format. Instead of just one guest who's had a really interesting second act, we're talking to 3 great minds in the (un)retirement world. With a little twist is that they are from three different age perspectives.  Meet Paul Long a former TV newscaster, weatherman, film content creator who just created a movement "New Way Forward" (1:58). Gary Sirak is an author, speaker and financial advisor best known for writing How to Retire and Not Die (30.12) And Dr. Ron Kaiser a psychologist, co…

Listen · 1:15:48
Edward Hechter: High School Dropout Hits It Big Time As An Entrepreneur And In Pickleball &Amp;Raquo; Iutbs084 Edward Hechter
Edward Hechter: High School Dropout Hits it Big Time as an Entrepreneur and in Pickleball

Meet the remarkable Edward Hechter, a high school dropout full of surprises. Edward started his career in the high-tech world at 17 years old. He rose through the corporate ranks to executive level an…

Meet the remarkable …

Meet the remarkable Edward Hechter, a high school dropout full of surprises. Edward started his career in the high-tech world at 17 years old. He rose through the corporate ranks to executive level and ultimately played a key role in helping this company Website Pros go public. And retired. He missed the challenge of solving business problems but this time came back to the working world as first-time entrepreneur where he and his wife re-launched one of the first online party supply companies out of their garage. Starting with two orders a day, the company eventually grew into a $5 million dol…

Listen · 1:00:49
Mary-Lou Nash: Moves To South Africa And Becomes A Winemaster! &Amp;Raquo; Ep 83.Applecard
Mary-Lou Nash: Moves to South Africa and becomes a Winemaster!

In 1995, Mary-Lou Nash showed up in South Africa on a whim with just a backpack. And she never left. Today she is a Winemaster of her own brand, Black Pearl Wines, producing some of the best wines in …

In 1995, Mary-Lou Na…

In 1995, Mary-Lou Nash showed up in South Africa on a whim with just a backpack. And she never left. Today she is a Winemaster of her own brand, Black Pearl Wines, producing some of the best wines in the country and it's even sold in some high profile locations in the US. She was born in England, grew up with a determined New England attitude and has thrived in South Africa. She had no experience in growing grapes, harvesting or making wine. In fact, before arriving in South Africa she was a beer drinker and who occasionally would drink cheap jug wine.  Her story is one of taking chances, a l…

Listen · 1:06:39
Stephanie Stuckey: Rebuilding Stuckey'S A Part Of Americana &Amp;Raquo; Ep82.Card 11
Stephanie Stuckey: Rebuilding Stuckey's a part of Americana

This month's guest Stephanie Stuckey brings Carl down memory lane. He has great childhood memories of begging his mom for a Stuckey's Stop, a popular roadside oasis in the 60's! Apparently, there are …

This month's guest S…

This month's guest Stephanie Stuckey brings Carl down memory lane. He has great childhood memories of begging his mom for a Stuckey's Stop, a popular roadside oasis in the 60's! Apparently, there are millions of people that have the same memory. At its height, there were over 350 Stuckey's stores across the country filled with candy, novelty toys and their world famous pecan log rolls.  Stephanie's grandfather sold the business in 1964 and over the course of time the Stuckey's stores were in a state of disrepair. The brand was practically extinct when Stephanie bought back the business in 201…

Listen · 50:26
Martinus Evans: Founder Of Slow Af Run Club &Amp;Raquo; Iutbs081 Martinus Evans
Martinus Evans: Founder of Slow AF Run Club

The Martinus Evans story is a very surprising one. As an adult he had many jobs, including a career  as a suit salesman at The Men's Warehouse. Being on his feet 10 hours a day caused him hip pain. H…

The Martinus Evans s…

The Martinus Evans story is a very surprising one. As an adult he had many jobs, including a career  as a suit salesman at The Men's Warehouse. Being on his feet 10 hours a day caused him hip pain. He saw a doctor that said, "Your hip hurts because you're too fat. You should walk to lose weight." Martinus was shocked and angered by his doctor's words. And then he turned that into the goal to  run a marathon. He's never looked back. Martinus launched a blog, 300 Pounds and Running, is an 8-time marathon runner, formed the Slow AF Run Club that now has 30,000+ members, graced the cover of Runn…

Listen · 39:24
Jeannine Barr: Here Comes The Judge -- Now Singer / Songwriter! &Amp;Raquo; Iutbs080 Jeannine Barr
Jeannine Barr: Here comes the Judge — Now Singer / Songwriter!

Everyone please rise this week on I Used to be Somebody. Carl interviews his first judge ever! Jeannine Barr was an assistant district attorney who decided after 9 years to throw her hat in the politi…

Everyone please rise…

Everyone please rise this week on I Used to be Somebody. Carl interviews his first judge ever! Jeannine Barr was an assistant district attorney who decided after 9 years to throw her hat in the political ring, (brave move) and then became a criminal district court judge for 24 years. She oversaw cases on "all the people you are afraid of." She tells us what it was like to have a high profile, elected position as a Texas judge. In another big brave move, Jeannine left the bench and has created a fascinating second act as a storyteller/singer and songwriter. She has a beautiful voice and is also…

Listen · 52:51
Sky Bergman: Professor Turns Filmmaker &Amp;Raquo; Iutbs079 Sky Bergman
Sky Bergman: Professor Turns Filmmaker

Sky Bergman has a zest for life and wants to share it with you. Her positivity is infectious. An accomplished and award-winning photographer and professor, it is no wonder her university students love…

Sky Bergman has a ze…

Sky Bergman has a zest for life and wants to share it with you. Her positivity is infectious. An accomplished and award-winning photographer and professor, it is no wonder her university students love her! She's also on a passon mission to capture the beauty of life and Wisdom of older people as they tell their stories. Sky released her debut documentary, Lives Well Lived to sold-out live audiences and has two more films in the works. There's no stopping this woman's positive energy! Sky started pursuing her second act in her 50's as a filmmaker. She hit it big with her very first movie, now a…

Listen · 1:00:05
Adam Bryant: Nyt &Amp;Quot;Corner Office&Amp;Quot; Columnist Moves To His Own C-Suite &Amp;Raquo; Iutbs078 Adam Bryant
Adam Bryant: NYT "Corner Office" Columnist moves to his own C-Suite

This month we have a very thought provoking conversation with award-winning journalist Adam Bryant. He worked for 30 years as a journalist including 18 years as a reporter, editor and columnist at the…

This month we have a…

This month we have a very thought provoking conversation with award-winning journalist Adam Bryant. He worked for 30 years as a journalist including 18 years as a reporter, editor and columnist at the New York Times. He's probably most famous for his column at the NYT called, "Corner Office" where he interviewed 500+ CEOs. What he learned during these interviews is fascinating and his insights can help everyone in creating their second act. Adam also shares his personal experience about what it was like to give up his dream job at the  NYT to start his own C-Suite position. And this month we …

Listen · 49:48
Patty Forehand: Elementary School Teacher Becomes Stand-Up Comedian &Amp;Raquo; Ep77.Card Apple
Patty Forehand: Elementary School Teacher becomes Stand-Up Comedian

We start 2024 with a lot of laughs. You're going to love Patty Forehand who was an elementary school teacher for 32 years and now is a successful stand-up comedian who talks about marriage, sex, and g…

We start 2024 with a…

We start 2024 with a lot of laughs. You're going to love Patty Forehand who was an elementary school teacher for 32 years and now is a successful stand-up comedian who talks about marriage, sex, and growing older. And she is FUNNY! Who doesn't like a 61- year old grandmother who can tell a good dirty joke? Tune in to hear about her chance to work with Michelle Pfeiffer and find out about her weirdest gig ever. Lots of laughs with a woman who has a heart of gold. • More about Patty Forehand: • Episode Content:…

Listen · 56:45
Dewey Forward: Night Club Owner Pivots To Popcorn Shop &Amp;Raquo; Iutbs076 Dewey Forward
Dewey Forward: Night Club Owner Pivots to Popcorn Shop

We're ending 2023 on a very high note with Dewey Forward. He was a highly regarded concert promoter and nightclub owner that organized over 4,000 concerts. He's worked with with groups like Pearl Jam,…

We're ending 2023 on…

We're ending 2023 on a very high note with Dewey Forward. He was a highly regarded concert promoter and nightclub owner that organized over 4,000 concerts. He's worked with with groups like Pearl Jam, REM, Donovan, Bon Jovi and countless others. Dewey started and owned Peabody's DownUnder in Cleveland where he created the precursor to the House of Blues concept. After living the crazy music and restaurant business for over 40 years, he now owns and operates the iconic Chagrin Falls Popcorn Shop. He's a great storyteller and just funny as hell. What a great way to wrap up year! • More about D…

Listen · 45:28
Bob Wolfe: The Pinot Guy Now Pickleball Guy &Amp;Raquo; Iusbs075 Bob Wolfe
Bob Wolfe: The Pinot Guy now Pickleball Guy

Carl gets his Sideways fix in with his interview with Bob Wolfe. In the movie, actor Paul Giamatti plays a serious Pinot fanatic. In real life, Bob Wolfe is one of the foremost Pinot Noir experts. In …

Carl gets his Sidewa…

Carl gets his Sideways fix in with his interview with Bob Wolfe. In the movie, actor Paul Giamatti plays a serious Pinot fanatic. In real life, Bob Wolfe is one of the foremost Pinot Noir experts. In fact, people simply refer to Bob simply as The Pinot Guy! There is something for everyone in this fun-filled interview, besides Pinot Noir talk. You'll learn what it's like to grow up in a tiny rural farming town, working on a nuclear submarine, and even what it's like to get a 4:30am call with Donald Trump way back in the day. Bob is totally forthcoming about finding himself at a crossroads in hi…

Listen · 55:15


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