He also advises that each of us holds the key to our own wellness. We can create the life we want, and it is never too late to feel great! The key to happy Aging is to change what we can and accept what we cannot. And remember that wheat we do today determines what we will be able to do tomorrow and it not the future.
As for flexibility, he means the range of motion around each joint which is specific to that joint. Generally, as many of us have already discovered, as we get older we lose our flexibility.
But we can significantly improve our flexibility by stretching regularly, which is why Part Three of the book is all about specific stretching exercises we can do. Each of over 80 specific stretches is covered on a page which includes both photos and written instructions.
But prior to that, the book covers flexibility in terms of warm-up and cool-down activities as well as activities we ought to do for specific situations, such as waking up, and for chronic conditions such as arthritis/fibromyalgia, frozen shoulders, hip and knee problems, lower back pain, repetitive wrist strain, and a number of daily activities such as Gardening and house-cleaning, desk work, snow shoveling and even long drives or plane flights.
As for recreational pursuits, the book covers activities that will benefit our recreational pursuits, including biking/cycling, canoeing/kayaking or stand-up paddle boarding, golf, tennis, swimming – even walking and jogging.
I love that this book is all about safe, easy routines which might involve easy tools such as Therapy balls, straps, and foam rollers, but can be accomplished in just ten minutes a day. Highly recommended.