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Galloping Words

Author: Meredith Laskow

Reviewed By: Georgia Richardson

Galloping Words &Raquo; 22 Bbook Photo

I’m scared of poetry. It reveals too much. It can touch my very core just when I’ve managed to be alone with my own thoughts, mostly hidden, some displayed. In Galloping Words, Poet Laureate Meredith Laskow will not allow the reader to hide behind forgotten emotions or past hurts. Not even past joys! Her words speak of freedom, then darkness; dreams, then isolation. I found myself in nearly every page. On page 28 in Treasure, she writes…

If we are the end product of our memories and experiences,
And if some of these experiences have been so long forgotten,
Does my life change now for rediscovering them?

As I told Ms Laskow after viewing her work, (I refuse to call it a “review”) I would say to anyone purchasing this book to stand back…admire it…read it multiple times, as many as you wish but don’t do anything else. Don’t review it, don’t mutilate or harm it in any way by placing useless words around it. Just bask in it. That’s what it’s there for. For basking, reading, reflecting. I stand by this declaration as I place her book back on the shelf until the next time. There could never be just once.

Such a Moving and powerful book at 40 pages, and amazingly, with the original cover art by the poet herself, at age 13. This book can be obtained directly from the poet at $5.00, plus shipping and handling at

Originally Published on

Anne Holmes Boomer-in-Chief of NABBW


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