She’s takes on a new job, in a new state, and . . . in a new state of mind.
Excited by her own boldness in reinventing her Image with gastric bypass surgery, and losing 150 pounds, Dee focuses on the future one step at a time, and of course . . . always in designer shoes.
With her new friend and client, Lily, Dee is taught some truths in facing one’s inner demons, in forgiveness, unconditional love, and trust. She also meets Carter, a man who does and says all the right things. Could her life become more complicated? Yes, it can, and it does.
Read A Stitch in Time and take the journey with Dee as she realizes that while perfection has its place, so does unconditional love, forgiveness of others, and most of all, forgiveness of one’s self. You’ll find a place for yourself in this novel. The story belongs to all of us. It’s an adventure into real life, for real people.