I hear it frequently. Business owners feel like they’re coming to an end of productive work time by November/December because the year is ending.
It’s a lie.
The old farts told me so in my first two weeks as a financial planner “Business is lousy in December. You’re going to fail because everyone is focused on family and Christmas, not on financial planning.”
Do you know that word rebel? The surest way for the rebel to succeed is to tell them they can’t do a thing. It was the birth of fee-based financial planning in the country. Yet I sold seven plans in mid-December thereby destroying the myth of December being a terrible time for a service-based business.
The old farts were astounded.
What do you believe about year-end business? What have you experienced so far? Can you envision a stunning finale?
What if you looked at your year-end as the biggest opportunity ever?
What if you could organize your business so that you had the best months ever in business in November, December, and January?
What if you made the Money you needed for the coming year by the end of January?
This is the secret–you set your mind to making this happen.
It’s about claiming freedom over the mind-numbing routine of being in an office day after day after day. I’m talking to entrepreneurs and small business owners. Our best comes from serving other. We serve when we teach what we’ve learned. The purpose of learning is not to be entertained but to share.
We can have breakfast and coffee, and lunch and coffee, and happy hour and find out how we can best serve others. We need social interaction to flourish.
The pandemic chased us into isolation. However we adapt and learn ways like zoom calls and hangouts to communicate with each other.
The bottom line about making your year-end successful beyond your wildest dreams is creating a mental picture and a plan of action to make this happen.
Do you know all of those goals you wrote your plan for this current year? It’s time for a new plan.
1. Envision your 2023 goals
2. Divide them into the next three months
3. Get ’em done. Pedal to the metal.
That quote, “work expands to the time you allow it to fill into,” holds true for every task and your business.
So in the interest of claiming freedom, I urge you to set your income in motion and serve your clients exceedingly well over the next three months. Earn freedom for the next nine. Free to enjoy family, Travel, play golf, sail, volunteer, learn a new language, invent something, and write a book.
Or how about turning your knowledge income? Maybe you are curious about how. I found a useful platform to share with you. Check it out.