Ladies — It’s the Really FOR REAL Time!

photo © Morgan Eberly
Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th! Cooper says to vote like your Human Rights depend upon it—because they do.
And ladies, listen up. Some of our forebears were arrested in attempting to secure the right to vote so we women could have a say in government. Do you want to throw that away?
Without our legal icon, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, we’d still be asking our father’s, husbands, and brothers to co-sign a loan or take out a credit card. Do you want to throw that away?
Donald Trump wants to “protect the women of our country,” but what that means is control — “whether they like it or not.” Do you want that kind of protection? Because it will be the same way he has taken over women’s reproductive rights? Do you want to throw your reproductive rights away?
The fact is, women are dying because of Trump’s policies and Supreme Court picks. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for ourselves, for our personhood, for the health of our children, and for a world where we all matter, not just the chosen few.
Vote with your conscience, vote with your heart, and vote for the girls yet to be born, who should have at least the same rights we have all enjoyed—if not more.
Thanks for voting!
Originally Published on