Looking Ahead
Embarking on another year, it’s my intention to make it better than the previous one.
It’s not always the case because most things are beyond my control. So, in that case, I simply try to go with the flow and encounter things as smoothly as possible, although bumps along the way can snap one out of a stupor.
So here are some of my goals, not resolutions, for 2023:
- Get back to my novel, the sixth book in the John Ross Boomer Lit series. It’s been sitting dormant for about eight months. I’ve written more than 40k words so I need to read and rewrite from the get-go.
- For many years, I’ve planned to work on short stories. For those who know or follow me, I’ve intended to do a follow-up volume to Laments, a collection of short stories published in 2012. I may not do a follow-up on the same theme, but plan to write a few stories that have been lingering in my head for the past several years.
- As noted in my previous post, I want to delve into poetry. I’ll let everyone know how that goes.
- I want to get back on the road to places I’ve never seen. Travel invigorates me with the sights, sounds, and tastes that one encounters at destinations. I’m considering Spain. Maybe Machu Picchu. Of course, there are places within driving distance that I’d like to experience. Perhaps Key West? Philadelphia? Boston? Washington, D.C.? Oregon, Idaho, and Washington are the only states in the lower 48 I haven’t visited, so they are a possibility if gasoline prices stay somewhat reasonable. I hope to see a few friends along the way.
- While not necessarily my goals, my wife has some things on her list she’d like to see for the house, such as a bathroom remodel. Depending on how much that will cost, it could have an adverse effect on other things, such as travel. And you never know what appliance is going to need to be replaced in the house. We also have some outdoor projects to complete this year. These are on the “honey-do” list.
At my age, time is of the essence. I may not have three or four years to do these things—give or take a year or two if I’m fortunate. It’s not like when I was in my 30s and 40s and had 30 or 40 years ahead of me, which seemed almost like an eternity, to reach goals. However, a few things I made plans for back in the 1980s and ’90s, I accomplished as I got older. It just takes time and determination and savings and luck.
I hope you realize your goals this year.
Until the next time . . .
Michael Embry is a multi-genre author of 15 books.