A Modest Proposal
In the Friendship Bench conversation that took place on Thursday, June 1st, JoAnna Baanana and Kamla Dasrath facilitated an engaging discussion of astrology. During the session, Roger Martin asked how it was that the placement of the sun, the moon, and other celestial bodies at the moments of our births could influence the human beings each of us is. (I deliberately didn’t write happens to be lest there is no element of happenstance about it.)
By way of responding to Roger, Victor Acquista cited myriad forms of energy we know and recognize, given the ways in which their effects are made manifest to us. Then he went on to suggest there are subtle energies and unknown energies that influence us just as much as — if not more than — the energies we recognize do.
The Plot Thickens
According to My Modern Met:
Human beings are narrative creatures, constantly interpreting our lives by weaving together the past, present, and future. Astrology helps us find meaning when we can’t find it anywhere else … Astrology is not a science; there’s no evidence to prove zodiac signs actually correlate with personality. It’s simply a method of predicting earthy and human events based on the placement of the sun, the moon, and the planets within the astrological constellations … Your “sun sign” is determined by where the sun was on your birthday. However, the placement of the moon—and each of the other planets at the time of your birth—provide additional insight into your personality and life events, according to your “birth chart.”
But what if Victor’s correct? What if there’s no evidence to prove zodiac signs actually correlate with personality because we haven’t perceived — thought or sought to perceive — that correlation yet? Further, what if Victor’s comments suggest a relationship between those subtle and unknown energies and faith? Is faith a result or a product of those subtle and unknown energies? And maybe it’s not just a matter of religious faith. Maybe it’s about any or all the things in which we believe at the level of faith; that is, accepting without question.
My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind. (Albert Einstein)
And beyond all that, what are the Relationships between those subtle and unknown energies Victor suggests, faith, and spirit?
About That Proposal
Here’s what I know: I don’t know.
But as a means of exploring those relationships, I propose a Friendship Bench conversation devoted to discussing them. I have no idea if we’ll arrive at any definitive conclusions. But we’ll have a spirited (no pun intended) discussion. And, I daresay, we’ll likely have fun.
Originally Published on https://www.bizcatalyst360.com/category/lifecolumns/notes-to-self/