Monday - March 24th, 2025
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Joshua Sheats Teacher, Host, Broadcaster, Entrepreneur

Joshua J. Sheats, MSFS, is the world's leading authority on integrating Lifestyle goals and Money goals without conflict. He teaches normal people how to seamlessly connect the science of financial planning with the joy of goal achievement.

Joshua is dedicated to helping normal people achieve financial freedom by merging creative (and crazy) ideas from the world of personal Finance with the academic integrity of formal financial planning. He simplifies complex money topics and makes boring financial mumbo-jumbo less boring.

Joshua is an expert financial planner with a lifelong focus on advanced Education. His professional degrees and designations include:

MSFS – Master’s of Science in Financial Planning
CLU – Chartered Life Underwriter
ChFC – Chartered Financial Consultant
CASL – Chartered Advisor for Senior Living
CAP – Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy
RHU – Registered Health Underwriter
REBC – Registered Employee Benefits Consultant

Recent Content

1088-Friday Q&Amp;A: Financial Inflation, Lifestyle Inflation, Family Business, Saving For A New Grandchild &Raquo; Rpf Black Logo 1400X1400Px 6
1088-Friday Q&A: Financial Inflation, Lifestyle Inflation, Family Business, Saving for a New Grandchild

1:00 How do I protect myself from inflation risks, both financial and lifestyle? 25:00 How do I get my life under control with children? 50:00 How can I move from a career in sales to a multi-generati…

1:00 How do I protec…

1:00 How do I protect myself from inflation risks, both financial and lifestyle? 25:00 How do I get my life under control with children? 50:00 How can I move from a career in sales to a multi-generational family business? 59:00 How can Grandparents save for a new grandchild?

Listen · 1:12:27
Now Accepting Volunteers For Radical Family Camp 2025! &Raquo; Camp Volunteers
Now Accepting Volunteers for Radical Family Camp 2025!

Family Camp is now sold out (except for bunkrooms and RV spots). I am accepting a handful of volunteers. Would you like to join us for Family Camp and have me pay for your your spot in exchange for so…

Family Camp is now s…

Family Camp is now sold out (except for bunkrooms and RV spots). I am accepting a handful of volunteers. Would you like to join us for Family Camp and have me pay for your your spot in exchange for some volunteer labor? Send me an email at

Listen · 6:19
1078-Friday Q&Amp;A: Business Skills, Productive Vacations, Radical Consistency, Appreciating What You Have &Raquo; Rpf Black Logo
1078-Friday Q&A: Business Skills, Productive Vacations, Radical Consistency, Appreciating What You Have

On today's Friday Q&A show we discuss: 1:46 How should I teach business skills to an associate? 11:06 Teaching Spanish to children 13:55 Productive Travel vacations 31:33 The power of Radical Con…

On today's Friday Q&…

On today's Friday Q&A show we discuss: 1:46 How should I teach business skills to an associate? 11:06 Teaching Spanish to children 13:55 Productive travel vacations 31:33 The power of Radical Consistency 43:28 Living in the present and appreciating what you have 51:22 Suggestions on Investing tax-free for Bermuda residents To join me next week, go here:  Join RPF Academy and make 2025 your best year yet!  Joshua

Listen · 1:00:25
1076-Friday Q&Amp;A: Second Citizenships, Finances For A 70-Year-Old, Asset Allocation, 2024 Taxes, Etc. &Raquo; 1076
1076-Friday Q&A: Second Citizenships, Finances for a 70-Year-Old, Asset Allocation, 2024 Taxes, etc.

On today's Friday Q&A show we discuss: 1:35 Should I just pay for a second citizenship and get it done with? 7:44 How do I provide financial Coaching for a 70-year-old widow? 24:50 How do I get o…

On today's Friday Q&…

On today's Friday Q&A show we discuss: 1:35 Should I just pay for a second citizenship and get it done with? 7:44 How do I provide financial coaching for a 70-year-old widow? 24:50 How do I get on the same page re: asset allocation with my husband? 47:51 What can I do to save money on my 2024 taxes? 55:08 I'm going to church for the first time...what should I expect? 1:06:34 I live tax-free in Bermuda. How can I invest tax-free too? Enjoy! Join me on next week's Q&A show:  Get my Recommended Reading List here:  Make 20…

Listen · 1:23:03
1073-Friday Q&Amp;A: Implementing Financial Plans Turning $120K Into $2,500/Mo, Asset Rich And Cash Poor &Raquo; 1073
1073-Friday Q&A: Implementing Financial Plans Turning $120k into $2,500/mo, Asset Rich and Cash Poor

On today's Q&A show we discuss: 1:45 What moves people to take action on their financial plan? 32:51 How do I turn $120,000 into $2,500 a month? 51:44 I am asset rich and cash poor; how do I flip…

On today's Q&A s…

On today's Q&A show we discuss: 1:45 What moves people to take action on their financial plan? 32:51 How do I turn $120,000 into $2,500 a month? 51:44 I am asset rich and cash poor; how do I flip that? To join me next week on the live Q&A show, go here:  To join my new Academy and make 2025 your most profitable year yet, go here: To buy my International Escape Plan Course for 50% off with my Cyber Monday sale, go here: 

Listen · 1:00:02


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