New in Health: Red Light Therapy, Sleep Syncing, and Other Trends
In a world buried in cheap health information, it can be overwhelming to navigate the ever-changing trends in wellness.
At InsideTracker, we try to make it easy for you. We give our members a personalized health plan based on blood tests, DNA reports, and other data. And to make sure our recommendations are based on the latest science, we pay close attention to health trends.
When a new trend accumulates enough evidence, we want our members to know about it.
Take sauna bathing as an example. When large, human-based studies emerged showing that short bouts of intense heat could improve heart health, we fed the data into our AI-powered recommendation engine.
From there, it began recommending sauna sessions to members who needed it most. (Learn more about our science here.)
So, what trends are we watching now? Here are four on our radar.