Tuesday - January 14th, 2025
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An Owl flew me 50 years back


I heard an owl in my neighborhood.  And where I live that is unnatural and unheard of.  It took me back to my childhood.   I grew up with an owl in my backyard.  And I used to drift off to Sleep to his WHO.


And so I listened.  I listened in my ears and in my memories at the same time.  I felt my stomach stirring.  WHO?  WHO?   And as I contemplated on the sound and on connecting with my past, this wise old owl brought me to an important message.


Who are you?




Are you a compilation of all the ages of you that you have ever been? Do you take from your childhood and from your life those parts of you that were natural and raw and passionate and fresh and bring them to who you are now?  Or have you gotten bogged down, as I and so many have with the responsibility of life and work and house and job and taxes and all the things that you are to do, that you’ve lost so much of that freshness of you?


The beauty of the child is that they allow themselves to be, to create, to pretend and imagine. They change their cloaks and hats playfully.


The owl’s presence and his Wisdom is fascinating to me.  He speaks in a sound and a word that is of my tongue.  He speaks to me in my language.  And also of his.  And in that moment of him coming from his brain capacity to my brain capacity from my childhood to my current adulthood, speaking a powerful phrase to guide me deeper within myself:


WHO are YOU? 


He helped me bridge.


Are you letting yourself be all that you are and becoming all the who you are about to become?


Please share with me.


WHO are YOU?


Tonight I will be one of two keynote speakers for an organization that supports 40 Southern CA business owners.  And my topic is:


Speaking with the Heart in Your Business.

I’d love your prayers!


I send you all my love!

Dr. Heather Browne PsyD, LMFT helps people recognize the power of communication.  It is one of our most important skills that we have, and yet we don’t consider our understanding, approach, belief, and therefore, miss our possibilities.  Living with a paranoid schizophrenic mother gave Dr. Heather a unique and powerful awareness that no one has the same reality, though we believe we do.  Utilizing this revolutionary awareness has allowed her to transform communication within self and within all other types of relationship.  This is the hidden key to acceptance.  And this is her mission to share.

As a relationship expert, Dr. Heather Browne has worked with thousands of individuals and couples in psychotherapy.  She is a TedX Speaker and Keynote Speaker. Her couple’s communication book will be out 1/24. She is published in hundreds of journals, has an active YouTube channel, has been featured on ABC-7 news, was the relationship expert on KDOC Daybreak OC, and is published in Inc., Toronto Sun, Thriving Family Magazine,  Light + Life, BRAINZ, Scary Mommy, and Psychology Today.  She is a regular guest blogger for both Links for Shrinks and for Marriage Friendly Therapists. She offers a weekly newsletter packed with tips and techniques to improve relationships and has monthly workshops! Simply go to her website!

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Heather Browne


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