Photo by Geralt

Attract the Right Job or Clientele:

Will You Age Wisely?

In our youth, few consider what it will be like for our unique mind, body, and spirit in the coming decades. Most view themselves as invincible and living to be at least 100 years old. The question is, will you age wisely?, refers to not necessarily increasing our IQ but realizing how we may improve our mind, body, and spirit. For many reasons, it’s wise to move into later years to diminish some of the prevalent issues for many.

My Story

Mindset Front and Center

Long ago, surrounded by negativity everywhere, my curiosity increased upon hearing about the book, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. Then, there was nothing to lose and much to gain, so I tested the power of embracing a positive mindset. For me, it was magical as I began seeking out varying possibilities for personal and business growth.

As I reviewed past occurrences mentally to improve Moving forward, the nastiness increased among those who did not believe in my new approach to living a more fulfilling life. My quest became finding people who think similarly. Opportunities blossomed as I began to step up for learning purposes. Over time, possibilities expanded into the previously unimaginable.

Self-Care in Varying Ways

Advancing in business and gaining wisdom from experiences suggest that to take the best care possible of our endeavors and clientele, we must pay attention to our health in general. Previously dismissing the idea that an overhaul in diet and exercise can improve the quality of life, the time came to try that too. In short, attention to the details of our exercise regimen plus a healthy diet works exceedingly well, adding to our mental health. The Self-Care contributes to motivating us to persevere with more energy than ever.


Connecting our mind, body, and spirit, plus creative ideas for advancing, relates well to the new connections we make on our journey. It is with delight that the Baby Boomer organization reached out to connect with me.

The Baby Boomer website offers a wide range of courses, including the following topics plus much more:

– Leaving a legacy

– Coming alive with music and communicating effectively

– Podcasting

– Tech for seniors, including Safari’s secrets on your iPhone

– Take photos of Flora and Fauna

– Dealing with Dementia and other health issues

The Journey from Excuses to Pursuing Dreams

Experience teaches that excuses prevent us from accomplishing our goals, plus more than we ever envision. Self-made leaders admit their errors, do their best to find the better route, and then share their experiences to enable others to improve their game Moving forward.

Similarly, corporate management will train their teams to refrain from conducting business as usual but to dig in and attempt something new that intrigues them. It’s the proverbial sales motto, ‘Strive for a win-win!’ Between the encouragement and then recognition for each team member putting in their better effort, inspiration takes hold and encourages a long-term stay. The company win is adding well to the company’s bottom line.

Your Story: Will You Age Wisely?

The question, will you age wisely, considers the lessons you may learn along the way and how you apply them to future endeavors. Should you have children, how will you demonstrate and relay the better lessons over time? Are you willing to share with peers the worst mishaps plus the realizations of how to dramatically improve?

A significant part of aging is the willingness to slow down your competitive nature and navigate toward being of service to those that want and need it, plus a contributor of insights for networks that may use them well.

In Conclusion: Will You Age Wisely?

Flexibility is an essential requirement as we age. The best example is that our forever-changing technology requires us to remain current to live fully. For most, it’s necessary to admit to what we do not know and ask for help. We must have go-to sources in varying age groups to confer, better understand topics, and proceed on a better footing for greater fulfillment. All of the above will contribute to the effort of aging wisely.

For More Insights:   Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

‘Communicate to Attract Interest

Nice Girls Do Get The Sale Is An International Best-Seller And Evergreen: 
A Classic! Https://

Hired! How To Use Sales Techniques To Sell Yourself On Interviews Is A Best Seller. Https:// And Helped Many To Secure The Job They Desired

Visit Elinor Stutz'S Author Page On Amazon: Https://

Be A Story-Teller

Believe, Become, Empower“

Related Blog Stories:

Motivate and Inspire Younger Generations
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Sales Tips: Will You Age Wisely?

  1. As time passes, admit to what you wished you could have done to go out now and do it!
  2. Set a deadline for your goals; otherwise, it’s possible to overlook them.
  3. Upon nearing the goal’s date, reset it to make the task more extensive and add a new completion date.
  4. Begin taking control of your life to fix potential issues for both work and health.
  5. Seek out groups that may support and advise you along your journey.
  6. Continue learning from everyone you meet and every experience to further refine how to proceed.
  7. Admit to what you do not know and apologize for errors to move onward.
  8. Live your life to the fullest extent possible and avoid regret.
  9. Take pride in your accomplishments without ego obstructing the path.
  10. Celebrate Success!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


Advisorpedia  Publishes information to help advisors build their practice, and those interested in the markets choose investments and find inspiration.

BabyBoomer – A trusted media source that collects and curates all the news, resources, and shows of interest for the Baby Boomer generation.

BizCatalyst360  Presents a life, culture, and biz new media digest as a hub of creative expression and personal growth.

CatCat Build your future one skill at a time.

ContactOut is a web-based platform that enables users to search for contact information and uncover contact details, including email addresses, phone numbers, and other personal data.

Greg Jenkins Consulting LLC  – Helping organizations realize the value of diversity to build inclusive, evolving, high-performing cultures.

Growth Hackers – Helping businesses globally grow with lead generation, growth marketing, conversion rate optimization, data analytics, user acquisition, retention, and sales.

Inclusion Allies Coalition   “Everyone is welcome here.” Learn more to train teams and join the advocacy program.

Internet Advisor Find the internet service right for you among 2083 internet providers across 36,380 cities; plus, Cellphonedeal compiles excellent deals on phones, plans, and prepaid to furnish you with the best options in your area.

Kred  Connect with top-rated influencers to learn from and grow your networks.

LinktoEXPERT  “It is not who you know – who knows you and what your expertise can do for them, plus understand the value of hiring you.” 

Lotus Solution LLC Helps organizations create diversity and inclusion to ensure fairness and work through customized consulting, training, and keynote speeches.

Onalytica Find relevant influencers for your brand.

SalesPop!   Purveyors of Prosperity; How to Compete against Yourself to Excel in your career.

Simma Lieberman, “The Inclusionist,” helps develop inclusive leaders from the inside out to champion diversity and build equitable, inclusive cultures at every level.

Yoroflow offers a comprehensive suite of digital workplace platforms to help you streamline your day-to-day operations, manage your finances, and grow your business.

Vunela  Provides a unique opportunity to view Videos and read articles by World Leaders.

WebTalk is the one-stop platform To build your marketplace and grow social connections. 

Win Win Women is the world’s only interactive network and an international community for women. Women WIN when they receive solutions + Experts WIN when they provide solutions = Win Win Women.

The post Will You Age Wisely? appeared first on SmoothSale™.

Elinor Stutz International Best-Selling Author

Elinor Stutz broke through barriers long before doing so was popular. Against all the odds, she defied the theme “women can’t sell” to become the top producer at every company she ever worked for, ignoring attempts to get her to quit.

Eleven years later, I lay motionless on a stretcher with an irreparably broken neck. Two visions appearing before me, and a brilliant gold light encasing my entire body, gave me a reason to believe I would recover. I wholeheartedly knew I was about to empower audiences far and wide. At the moment, I negotiated a full recovery with the promise to be of service. The surgeon and hospital staff anointed me with the title “The Walking Miracle.”

As the CEO of Smooth Sale, Stutz adapted the motto, “Believe, Become, Empower.” Believe in yourself; Become the person you envision; Empower your audience to do the same. Stutz is on the Social Media Committee for Inclusion Allies Coalition devoted to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

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