Thursday - September 19th, 2024
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Time to Make that Call?

One note does not make a symphony; one artist does not make an orchestra, but one phone call can make a world of difference.

–Matshona Dhliwayo

It’s time to make that call. Life is busy and full of competing priorities. And many of us just aren’t that good at exhaling for a moment, realizing what’s really important, and taking the first step. So let’s rise above the chaos, the distractions, the excuses,  and come out from behind the texting with the kindness of an actual phone call. Not a planned one. An unexpected/surprise one.

Of course, it might be awkward, uncontrolled, and unscripted. Do it anyway. Reach out. Reconnect. Everyone will appreciate it, and someone in each of our social circles really needs it. They need to know at this moment that someone is thinking of them. They need to know that most things can get better and that they don’t have to go through it alone. And before you hang up, and no matter what you discuss,  please take the opportunity to close with two simple but ever so powerful words: YOU MATTER.

Time To Make That Call? &Raquo; Screenshot 2022 12 18 At 5.42.06 Am

So, stop what you’re doing and make that call right now. Not sometime later, not tomorrow, not next week, but right now. You’ll be glad you did. Because it matters. Because everyone matters. Who knows? —it may become habit-forming. And PLEASE come back and share your experience in our Comments section below.

Dennis Pitocco Chief ReImaginator of 360° Nation

Dennis is the founder and CEO of 360° Nation, a multifaceted media enterprise promoting global positivity. In collaboration with his wife Ali, who serves as Chief Inspiration Officer, Dennis oversees several successful ventures; BizCatalyst 360°–an award-winning global media platform; 360° Nation Studios –producer of uplifting content and events, and; GoodWorks 360° –a pro bono consulting service for nonprofit organizations worldwide.

For over a decade, Dennis and Ali have pursued a mission to illuminate the finest aspects of humanity and leverage their resources to effect daily positive change worldwide. Their operational philosophy emphasizes presence, compassionate service, and the allocation of time, talents, and resources for societal benefit rather than solely for profit. As a contributing author to multiple best-selling books, Dennis is committed to fostering transformational change and promoting holistic wellness.

Dennis and Ali strive to exemplify responsible stewardship while influencing and showcasing humanity's highest potential. Their work reflects a dedication to ethical business practices, community engagement, and the belief that media can be a powerful force for good in the world.


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