Exploring the background of Easter provides valuable context for understanding the significance of its associated Easter Songs. According to Wikipedia, the holiday has various names, many stemming from the Greek and Latin term “Pascha,” which translates to “Passover” in Hebrew. In modern English, these words originated from Old English, which had ties to an Anglo-Saxon goddess. The root of the Old English term connotes “to shine,” likely derived from meanings related to dawn, east, and sunrise.
Growing up, my family observed Easter by attending church, where we celebrated the central message of the gospel: the resurrection. During high school, I began playing the piano for church services, eventually participating in the Easter sunrise service held outdoors. Despite the early hour, this service held a special place in my heart, as I enjoyed focusing on the day’s message while singing as the sun slowly ascended. In this podcast, I’ll delve into the history of some of the most cherished hymns and songs associated with Easter, many of which hold significant roles in Easter celebrations.
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