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2025 Consumer Electronics Show: AI drives dazzling new products and services to make aging easier

The 2025 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas ran from January 7 to January 10, and was, as always, a showcase of exciting new Technology, with AI continuing to play a major role. We always check Lori Orlov’s invaluable blog for the latest, and here are 10 new products that caught her attention this year.

  • A “risk stratification app” that passively collects biometric data and allows for the “timely prediction of critical cardiovascular events such as Stroke and heart attack.” Learn more here.
  • Infrared bedding that “harnesses body heat, converting it into infrared energy and returning it to the body, where it increases local circulation and cellular oxygenation.” Improved circulation can benefit everything from Diabetes to age-related mobility issues, as well as promoting better Sleep. Learn more here.
  • An AI-powered digital caregiver that “uses thermal imaging an millimeter wave radar technologies to detect patients’ vital signs with hospital-level accuracy while maintaining privacy.” Learn more here.
  • A chronic conditions management platform that “gathers an analyzes over 70 types of data from the home to provide actionable insights for personalized care plans” that are then supported by Monica, a virtual health care assistant. Learn more here.
  • A neural wristband that picks up electromyography signals from subtle finger movements and converts them into digital commands for a wide range of devices, including mobile phones, tablets and personal computers, “enabling free and natural movement without any external limitations.” Learn more here.
  • A robo cleaner with a mechanical robot arm that can pick up and remove obstacles “that previously caused the cleaning process to pause.” Learn more here.
  • A virtual reality “sanctuary” including an AI companion and guide. “People can customize their sanctuary with shared photos and uploaded videos, Travel the world, revisit meaningful places, meditate in nature, listen to music and engage with the AI companion.” Learn more here.
  • A compact AI wearable device for the visually-impaired community. “We pack our machine learning algorithm into a camera-equipped clip-on device no bigger than a match box, which collects visual data and sends a curate audio feed of information to the user through any Bluetooth-enabled earpiece.” Learn more here.
  • A blood pressure monitor designed for non-tech savvy elderly users, featuring “a large, color high-resolution screen for easy-to-read results” plus reminders and motivational nudges. Learn more here.
  • Wearable captioning glasses “to help people who struggle to hear or understand speech.” The glasses “translate speech to text in real time and project accurate captions for the wearer.” Users can even store the conversations, “which is helpful for seniors who want to record a medical or legal appointment to share information with family.” Learn more here.

One of the 7 A’s of SuperAging, as outlined in our book, is Autonomy. Thanks to technology, and AI in particular, this is perhaps the most dynamic frontier of the whole SuperAging revolution. We see the removal or mitigation of more and more barriers to independence and, even better, increased possibilities for predictive and preventive action. You can be sure we’ll continue to bring you the latest and greatest of what is rapidly becoming a never-ending cascade of Innovation.

More on tech and aging:

Driven by technology, in-home care is revolutionizing the entire health care system

AI in the kitchen: Another way tech could help with aging in place

Health and wellness apps: Older adults like them but aren’t using them fully

Tech Support: How AI and other technologies can help with social isolation and loneliness

5 ways artificial intelligence can improve your dating life

Can a robot friend overcome loneliness and isolation? It’s already happening

Content on this site is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always check with your qualified healthcare providers with any questions or concerns regarding a medical condition.

Our mission is to curate the avalanche of news, research reports, expert advice and other content about longevity and healthy aging, to give our readers a practical blueprint for "getting older without getting old." In a short period of time, we have seen steady audience growth and, in particular, strong growth in our social media presence, which is now generating over 200,000 impressions a month. We offer a mix of original content and links to useful content from a wide range of sources.


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