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Dan Mainwaring Podcaster

I am a writer and podcaster from the UK based in Kansas City. I previously ran a British TV Entertainment website. I also have written for the Houston Chronicle, San Fran Gate, Zack’s, Motley Fool and more. Now I focus on my podcast.

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Romanian Revolution 1989: Classics Revisited &Raquo; Fascinating People Podcast V.1 2
Romanian Revolution 1989: Classics Revisited

Explore the captivating story of the Romanian revolution of 1989, a pivotal moment shaped by the country's rich history of resisting and embracing external influences. This intricate tapestry of event…

Explore the captivat…

Explore the captivating story of the Romanian revolution of 1989, a pivotal moment shaped by the country's rich history of resisting and embracing external influences. This intricate tapestry of events traces back to the second century AD when the Roman Emperor Trajan conquered the region, leaving an indelible mark in the form of plundered gold. Subsequent waves of invaders, including Goths, Huns, Bulgars, Magyars, and Ottomans, were met with fierce resistance, led by legendary figures like Vlad The Impaler. Each conqueror left behind a lasting Legacy, contributing to Romania's unique heteroge…

Listen · 35:31
Mata Hari: Super Spy? Or Victim Of Circumstance. &Raquo; Marihata
Mata Hari: Super spy? or Victim of Circumstance.

Mata Hari -- publicly portrayed as a mysterious Javan princess who became famous for her exotic dance routines and high profile affairs -- has become the poster child for twentieth century female espi…

Mata Hari -- publicl…

Mata Hari -- publicly portrayed as a mysterious Javan princess who became famous for her exotic dance routines and high profile affairs -- has become the poster child for twentieth century female espionage. The bombshell sex symbol who can seduce any man. The cunning and ruthless individual who will betray anyone to enrich herself as a double agent. She is model for the Bond femme fatales that have become a cinematic trope. But, is any of this true? In this episode I speak with historian Professor Tammy Proctor of Utah State University. During her research which has among other things yielded …

Listen · 27:13
Titanic &Raquo; Rms Titanic 3 Pb3Nu5

In 1912, the "unsinkable" jewel in the crown of White Star Line voyages -- The Titanic -- hit an iceberg and sunk on its maiden voyage. It is difficult to imagine how passengers enjoying the amenities…

In 1912, the "unsink…

In 1912, the "unsinkable" jewel in the crown of White Star Line voyages -- The Titanic -- hit an iceberg and sunk on its maiden voyage. It is difficult to imagine how passengers enjoying the amenities of this luxury liner would have reacted when suddenly they realized the vessel had become a floating coffin. Only a third of the passengers and crew survived the harrowing journey.  But, a touring exhibition now casts light on those passengers in an intimate and immersive manner. The Titanic Exhibition is currently on tour in Seattle, Washington. Visitors will gain access to over 200 artifacts f…

Listen · 29:30
Mata Hari &Raquo; Mata Hari 45Ev8J
Mata Hari

She has become the poster child for James Bond style cunning, honey-trap-setting, spying vixens but does reality match the myths around Mata Hari? In this upcoming episode I speak with Prof. Tammy Pro…

She has become the p…

She has become the poster child for James Bond style cunning, honey-trap-setting, spying vixens but does reality match the myths around Mata Hari? In this upcoming episode I speak with Prof. Tammy Proctor of Utah State University, author of Female Intelligence: Women and Espionage in the First World War. We discuss the Dutch girl who became a "Javan princess," a spy and ultimately a casualty of the first world war. Here is a sneak peak. 

Listen · 2:15
Saharan Nightmare: The Invasion The World Forgot Featuring Prof. Jacob Mundy &Raquo; Morocco 1024X681 7I2Eee
Saharan Nightmare: The Invasion the World Forgot featuring Prof. Jacob Mundy

Situated on the Mediterranean, just a short distance from Spain and the rest of Europe, Morocco attracts tens of millions of tourists every year. They flock to see the iconic mosques and bazaars.  Bu…

Situated on the Medi…

Situated on the Mediterranean, just a short distance from Spain and the rest of Europe, Morocco attracts tens of millions of tourists every year. They flock to see the iconic mosques and bazaars.  But there's another, much larger structure that you won't find in any tourist guides and is seldom talked about.  It's a 2700 kilometer long barrier wall constructed of dirt and brick that runs through the heart of the Sahara Desert.  And for the people living in its shadow, it's a symbol of an ongoing occupation and decades long period of oppression.  In this episode, I speak with Jacob Mundi, p…

Listen · 38:47
Amelia Earhart: Mysterious End, Fascinating Beginning &Raquo; Amelia Earhart Standing Under Nose Of Her Lockheed Model 10 E Electra Small Aj3Ek5
Amelia Earhart: Mysterious End, Fascinating Beginning

In 1937, Kansas native and pioneering aviator Amelia Earhart sought to become the first female pilot to circumnavigate the world. It was a daring adventure but one that ended in tragedy. Almost 9 deca…

In 1937, Kansas nati…

In 1937, Kansas native and pioneering aviator Amelia Earhart sought to become the first female pilot to circumnavigate the world. It was a daring adventure but one that ended in tragedy. Almost 9 decades later, a company named Deep Sea Vision produced evidence of a plane closely resembling Amelia’s at the bottom of the Pacific. Recovery attempts are ongoing and offer the potential for resolution to the enduring mystery of how and where Amelia’s journey came to an end. However, this apparent discovery while exciting is just the latest in a series of theories – backed by photographs or eye…

Listen · 23:28
Angola &Raquo; Ao 6Qpduw

An old Angolan proverb suggests it is the voyage not the ship that is important. And for the people of Angola the voyage has been a long one, from the era of the might Kongo empire, through the slave …

An old Angolan prove…

An old Angolan proverb suggests it is the voyage not the ship that is important. And for the people of Angola the voyage has been a long one, from the era of the might Kongo empire, through the slave trade, colonialism, an independence struggle, and more recently decades of civil war. Despite this, in 2015 the capital city Luanda was in was listed as the most expensive city in the world, But new high rises built off the back of an oil boom sit uncomfortably alongside squalid outskirts of the city in the former Portuguese colony.  In this episode I speak with Alex Vines OBE was a UN observer w…

Listen · 29:50
&Quot;Witchcraft,&Quot; And Violence In Paradise With Dr. Fiona Hukula &Raquo; Dr Hukula Xu4Mkg
"Witchcraft," and violence in paradise with Dr. Fiona Hukula

Imagine one day being cast out of your society, subjected to violence or killed simply because you continue to participate in the traditional rituals and activities your community have practiced for g…

Imagine one day bein…

Imagine one day being cast out of your society, subjected to violence or killed simply because you continue to participate in the traditional rituals and activities your community have practiced for generations. It might sound extraordinary but as we’ve seen down the centuries this is what happens when age old activities are suddenly rebranded as witchcraft and it is something that is happening now  in the tropical paradise of Papua New Guinea. In today’s episode I speak with Papuan native Dr. Fiona Hukula a world renowned activist tackling gender-based violence. She worked for the Papuan…

Listen · 29:06
Sonic Booms, Feathers, &Amp; Dinosaurs: Renowned Paleontologist Philip J. Currie &Raquo; Philcurrie840X460
Sonic Booms, Feathers, & Dinosaurs: Renowned Paleontologist Philip J. Currie

Imagine an alien world where a creature could create a sonic boom simply by whipping its tail. Look no further as such creatures once roamed the Earth. This is just one remarkable discovery made by th…

Imagine an alien wor…

Imagine an alien world where a creature could create a sonic boom simply by whipping its tail. Look no further as such creatures once roamed the Earth. This is just one remarkable discovery made by the world renowned Paleontologist Philip J. Currie -- the man whose worked inspire Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park. In this episode, I speak with Philip J. Currie about feathered dinosaurs, long necked giants, his fascinating career and ongoing work. More info: Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum Philip J. Currie Bio: Philip J. Currie, born in Brampton, Ontario on March 13th, 1949, is a leading Canadi…

Listen · 38:18
Madagascar Discovery With Dr. Patricia Wright &Raquo; Img 5055 7Ty2Mk
Madagascar Discovery With Dr. Patricia Wright

In 1986, anthropologist Patricia Wright arrived in the tropical paradise of Madagascar. Seemingly, she was hunting  a ghost: the greater bamboo lemur — then believed to be extinct. Lemurs predate h…

In 1986, anthropolog…

In 1986, anthropologist Patricia Wright arrived in the tropical paradise of Madagascar. Seemingly, she was hunting  a ghost: the greater bamboo lemur — then believed to be extinct. Lemurs predate humans by millions of years and have long been prevalent on Madagascar. In contrast, the first human settlers arrived on the Island within the last few thousand years. Despite our relatively short period of coexisting with these animals, human activities have contributed to their decline and — in some instances — apparent extinction. But, remarkably against all odds, the redoubtable Patricia Wr…

Listen · 35:21
The Bizarre Borat-Like Regime Of Turkmenistan With Bruce Pannier &Raquo; Gurbanguly Gty Er 200401 Hpmain 16X9 992 Rqd4Jv
The Bizarre Borat-like Regime of Turkmenistan with Bruce Pannier

The Borat movies were a fun but far fetched parody right? Think again. The Central Asian nation of Turkmenistan is currently ruled by the clownish Gurbangulyýewiç Berdimuhamedow and his son Serdar. …

The Borat movies wer…

The Borat movies were a fun but far fetched parody right? Think again. The Central Asian nation of Turkmenistan is currently ruled by the clownish Gurbangulyýewiç Berdimuhamedow and his son Serdar. He has styled himself as an action hero. Unfortunately he isn't very good at racing, handling horses, firing guns, singing, dancing, weight lifting, rapping or any of the other "talents" he likes to demonstrate.  He is also a tyrant, presiding over an oppressive system of government that has seen untold numbers of political opponents thrown into horrific dungeons. How did he get the job? Well bec…

Listen · 32:54
Rwanda Genocide Survivor, Political Exile, And Inspiration: Drocella Mugorewera &Raquo; Drocella Mugorewera Headshot 1 600X600 Gj7Wu7
Rwanda Genocide Survivor, Political Exile, and Inspiration: Drocella Mugorewera

In 1994, Drocella Mugorewera was a young mother when Ethnic tensions between Hutu's and Tutsi's rooted in colonial divisions boiled over and led to a horrific genocide in Rwanda that cost up to one mi…

In 1994, Drocella Mu…

In 1994, Drocella Mugorewera was a young mother when Ethnic tensions between Hutu's and Tutsi's rooted in colonial divisions boiled over and led to a horrific genocide in Rwanda that cost up to one million lives. Drocella fled to the comparative safety of the war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo before returning home determined to mold a better society in Rwanda.  She quickly became a government minister focused on forging an inclusive and peaceful society from the ashes of horrific events. But, her hopes for the future were largely unfulfilled as the increasingly authoritarian regime of Pau…

Listen · 31:40
Simón Bolívar: Liberator Of The Americas With Prof. Tomas Straka &Raquo;
Simón Bolívar: Liberator of The Americas with Prof. Tomas Straka

Despite being orphaned at a young age, Simon Bolivar was far from an orphan Annie character. Born into a wealthy Criollo family in 1783, his Education continued before he made an extensive trip around…

Despite being orphan…

Despite being orphaned at a young age, Simon Bolivar was far from an orphan Annie character. Born into a wealthy Criollo family in 1783, his education continued before he made an extensive trip around Europe. While there, he was introduced to ideas of the enlightenment and events such as the French Revolution. Despite his ethnically Spanish roots, he returned to Venezuela determined to gain independence and establish a republic. In subsequent years he became involved in three separate Venezuelan republics whilst establishing himself as the de facto ruler of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, …

Listen · 28:29
How I Went From Mafia Enforcer To Doj Informer: Aiden Gabor Interview &Raquo; 41Leyjqy0Nl Sy445 Sx342 Emqn6W
How I went from Mafia Enforcer to DOJ Informer: Aiden Gabor Interview

The DeCavalcante Crime Family of New Jersey were the inspiration for HBO's acclaimed Sopranos drama series. In this episode, I speak with one of their members: Aidan Gabor. He is a mafia henchman, tu…

The DeCavalcante Cr…

The DeCavalcante Crime Family of New Jersey were the inspiration for HBO's acclaimed Sopranos drama series. In this episode, I speak with one of their members: Aidan Gabor. He is a mafia henchman, turned DOJ informant and cop.  Gabor shares his origin story from his parents escape from Soviet occupied Budapest to his childhood descent into crime and his eventual redemption based on the Baha'i faith. Aiden Gabor is also the author of and autobiographical book linked below.  Guest: Aiden Gabor author of Conflicting Loyalties: My Life as a Mob Enforcer Turned DOJ Informant *This episode contai…

Listen · 36:58
Candace: The Woman Who Defeated The Might Roman Empire. Featuring Prof. Stanley M. Burstein &Raquo; 8294621871 842235Cf21 K 1536X1024 Ayqy4U
Candace: The Woman Who Defeated the Might Roman Empire. Featuring Prof. Stanley M. Burstein

Rome's first and arguably greatest Emperor Octavian (Augustus) helped to evolve and expand the Roman Republic into an empire that encompassed France, parts of Germany, Asia Minor, Egypt and North Afri…

Rome's first and arg…

Rome's first and arguably greatest Emperor Octavian (Augustus) helped to evolve and expand the Roman Republic into an empire that encompassed France, parts of Germany, Asia Minor, Egypt and North Africa. But the seemingly all conquering Roman met his match in an African woman called Candace. Who was she? How did she come to be the de facto leader of the Kushites? How was she able to defeat Augustus and ensure an independence for her people that lasted for hundreds of years? In this episode, I speak with a subject matter expert Prof. Emeritus Stanley Burstein of California State University, Los…

Listen · 27:36
Preview: I Talk To The Mafia Man Turned Informer Aiden Gabor &Raquo; Fascinating People Podcast V.1
Preview: I talk to the Mafia Man Turned Informer Aiden Gabor

Coming in May, I talk to Mafia gangster turned DOJ informant Aiden Gabor on Fascinating People, Fascinating Places.   Guest: Aiden Gabor author of Conflicting Loyalties: My Life as a Mob Enforcer Tur…

Coming in May, I tal…

Coming in May, I talk to Mafia gangster turned DOJ informant Aiden Gabor on Fascinating People, Fascinating Places.   Guest: Aiden Gabor author of Conflicting Loyalties: My Life as a Mob Enforcer Turned DOJ Informant Creative Commons License: Rebecca EvansTitleO Mio Babbino Caro - Rebecca Evans   DescriptionEnglish: O mio babbino caro - A track by Rebecca Evans. From the 1995 album Rebecca Cymraeg: O mio babbino caro - Trac gan Rebecca Evans. O'r albwm 1995 RebeccaPerformance date 1995 Record ID Sain SCD2105   This episode is sponsored by World History Encyclopedia, one …

Listen · 0:21
Albert Schweitzer With Eric Madeen &Raquo;
Albert Schweitzer with Eric Madeen

In 1913, Albert Schweitzer, a respected theologian and organist left Alsace-Lorraine and made his way to the French colony of Gabon. As a newly qualified doctor, he decided to to use his skills to est…

In 1913, Albert Schw…

In 1913, Albert Schweitzer, a respected theologian and organist left Alsace-Lorraine and made his way to the French colony of Gabon. As a newly qualified doctor, he decided to to use his skills to establish a free hospital in a remote corner of the French Empire. Schweitzer eventually earned a Nobel prize for his humanitarian work and his hospital still stands today. Decades later, award winning author Eric Madeen followed in Schweitzer's footsteps and found himself in the now independent Gabon. While there he gained insight into Schweitzer's life and legacy while having extraordinary experien…

Listen · 31:37
Israel &Amp; Palestine: War And Peace (?) With Dr. Stephen Zunes &Raquo; Flag Of Palestinesvg 7Euq6R
Israel & Palestine: War and Peace (?) with Dr. Stephen Zunes

30 years ago the US brokered Oslo accords seemed to herald a new era of peaceful coexistence for Israelis and Palestinians. Yasser Arafat -- long demonized as a terrorist in the Tel Aviv, whilst being…

30 years ago the US …

30 years ago the US brokered Oslo accords seemed to herald a new era of peaceful coexistence for Israelis and Palestinians. Yasser Arafat -- long demonized as a terrorist in the Tel Aviv, whilst being hailed as a freedom fighter in Palestine -- shared a Nobel Peace Prize with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and politician Shimon Peres.  30 years later, peace seems further away than ever before after  Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants' horrific 7 October attack on Israel provoked a response from Israel that caused South Africa to take Israel to court for allegedly committing genocide.  …

Listen · 31:43


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