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Leadership Dysfunction 2.0

Door With Many Bullet Holes And A No Firearms Sign

u201cPeople say I should have known. Maybe. There was that thing at the holiday party, but he was really drunk. The girl was drunk too, by the way. And anyway everybody agreed to drop it and she got another job soon after, so everything worked out.


u201cHe was such a sick programmer, I mean, really elegant code, everybody said so. And the dude was a machine. He totally saved the Techniche voice chat bot project, – made the delivery in three days. People said he was mainlining Red Bull, u2018nu2019 the client said the bot was like talking to a real person. That Indian accent thing was complete magic, u2018Please to hold the line, while I trensfer you to the You – knighted States. – Halo sar, May I please introduce you to Todd in Topeka who will halp you now. . . . u2013 Haie, Ahm Todd, How kin ah hep you today, sir?u2019 Still cracks me up.


u201cI mean, I didnu2019t know him, really. In the break room once I asked him, u2018Dwayne, dude, why does everybody call you u2018BH,u2019 and he rolled up his sleeve and showed me the biohazard tattoo and said u2018Afghanistan Recon.u2019 I thought he was too young to be a vet. Then Howie told me, u2018No dude, thatu2019s his Call of Duty handle.u2019 Maybe that should have been a clue, but we all play. Dint think anything of it.


u201cI donu2019t really get the u2018why,u2019 if you know what I mean. I mean, sure, HR Karenu2019s all hands email was really targeted to himu00a0 u2018. . . so as you RTW you should dress appropriately and leave the camo and tac gear at home.u2019u00a0 And yeah, – u00a0his clothes did leave a little to be desired and he didnu2019t really need to bring a fourteen inch survival Bowie to work. Maybe she should have just spoken to him or, at least, realized that u2018all handsu2019 goes to the board, including his dad.


u201cHis dad was so helpful with the Sand Hill guys for the mezz and IPO. I wish Karen had thought about that, . . . wait, . . . u2018waddya mean thatu2019s not her name? What? HR Karen is Denise? No.u00a0 And . . . u2013 oh yeah, was,- – a single Mom with two kids. . .whou2019ll take. . .? Her mother? Jeezus! I mean, she did send that email the week before complaining about Dwayne. I mean, I had to think who she meant, I mean, everybody called him BH, . . . so he broke some stuff, . . . and what does u2018going postalu2019 even mean?


u201cThis is just awful. Itu2019s gonna mess people up for months. Maybe we should relax the RTW, u2018cept we take such a hit on productivity with work from home. Youu2019d think the game room and snacks would make people want to come back. We got a big deadline on Goomee2 in ten days. I dunno is it better to be with other people if theyu2019re as shocked as you or better to bury yourself in, . . . right, poor choice of words, . . . better to lose yourself in work at home?


u201cYu2019know what I donu2019t get is the CSRs and marketing girls, I mean, sure, most of u2018em donu2018t get tech, but theyu2019re nice enough and sweet lookinu2019 -Jeezus what a mess. So much blood. Glass everywhere. Hadda replace all the carpet, and the glass, and half of the cubicles. Insurance paid for most, – thanks for filing those claims. We lost five days cleaning up the center – thank God we had Bangladesh as back up. Stock took a hit, but Charlie was right, – itu2019s coming back.


u201cYu2019know what burns my ass? Itu2019s a tragedy, I get that. Itu2019s awful, but the media just wonu2019t let it go. I mean, itu2019s been a month, u2018nu2019 it coulda been a lot worse if ole Juan hadnu2019 tackled him, . . . did his wife get the flowers? . . . u00a0yeah, just wish that last spray hadnu2019 gotten u2018em both, I mean Iu2019d just like to ask him, . . . u201cWhy? – I mean BH, . . . – not Juan.


u201cThatu2019s the thing about Mental Health. I mean, itu2019s u2018mental,u2019 right? Like inside your head, – invisible. But the press will not let it go u2018nu2019 now itu2019s the politicians. . . State. . .u2019nu2019 Feds. . .


Guns, sure, itu2019s always the guns. Too bad we have that big u2018No Firearmsu2019 sign on the front door, if HR Karen, . . . ah right, . . . Denise, If Denise had been packinu2019 this whole thing woulda been a lot less traumatic.


People say I should have known. Howu2019re ya gonna know what goes on inside someoneu2019s head. Somebody has a bad day and yells at one of the girls, or someone has a fight with his wife and throws a stapler, breaks some coffee mugs, and dents a partition, is that such a big deal?u00a0 Yeah, maybe, . . . well thereu2019s risk in everything, . . . life is a risk, . . . I could walk out the door today u2018nu2019 get run over by a beer truck, wouldnu2019t that be a cryinu2019 shame, . . . risk.


u201cStill I wish I knew. . . Why?. . .


u201cHe was such a great coder. . .


u201cSo No, Carol, I donu2019t want to talk to the Senator. u2018Nu2019 no more reporters, OK? Say u2018weu2019re cooperating fully with the investigation, u2018nu2019u00a0 Iu2019m unavailable for comment.u2019


u201cOh, u2018nu2019 Carol, wouldya be a love u2018nu2019 run to Star, u2018nu2019 get me another Venti Carmel Macchiato with triple shot Red Eye, yeah with whipped u2018nu2019 four packets of the natural sugar, yu2019know the ones in the brown packets.


u201cThatu2019s great, Babycakes. Iu2019ll be in the game room. Gotta Foosball rematch with Howie.u201d




Avoiding Leadership Dysfunction




u201cPeople say I should have known. Maybe. There was that thing at the holiday party, but he was really drunk. The girl was drunk too, by the way. And anyway everybody agreed to drop it and she got another job soon after, so everything worked out.


u201cHe was such a sick programmer, I mean, really elegant code, everybody said so. And the dude was a machine. He totally saved the Techniche voice chat bot project, – made the delivery in three days. People said he was mainlining Red Bull, u2018nu2019 the client said the bot was like talking to a real person. That Indian accent thing was complete magic, u2018Please to hold the line, while I trensfer you to the You – knighted States. – Halo sar, May I please introduce you to Todd in Topeka who will halp you now. . . . u2013 Haie, Ahm Todd, How kin ah hep you today, sir?u2019 Still cracks me up.


u201cI mean, I didnu2019t know him, really. In the break room once I asked him, u2018Dwayne, dude, why does everybody call you u2018BH,u2019 and he rolled up his sleeve and showed me the biohazard tattoo and said u2018Afghanistan Recon.u2019 I thought he was too young to be a vet. Then Howie told me, u2018No dude, thatu2019s his Call of Duty handle.u2019 Maybe that should have been a clue, but we all play. Dint think anything of it.


u201cI donu2019t really get the u2018why,u2019 if you know what I mean. I mean, sure, HR Karenu2019s all hands email was really targeted to him u2018. . . so as you RTW you should dress appropriately and leave the camo and tac gear at home.u2019 And yeah, – his clothes did leave a little to be desired and he didnu2019t really need to bring a fourteen inch survival Bowie to work. Maybe she should have just spoken to him or, at least, realized that u2018all handsu2019 goes to the board, including his dad.


u201cHis dad was so helpful with the Sand Hill guys for the mezz and IPO. I wish Karen had thought about that, . . . wait, . . . u2018waddya mean thatu2019s not her name? What? HR Karen is Denise? No. And . . . u2013 oh yeah, was,- – a single Mom with two kids. . .whou2019ll take. . .? Her mother? Jeezus! I mean, she did send that email the week before complaining about Dwayne. I mean, I had to think who she meant, I mean, everybody called him BH, . . . so he broke some stuff, . . . and what does u2018going postalu2019 even mean?


u201cThis is just awful. Itu2019s gonna mess people up for months. Maybe we should relax the RTW, u2018cept we take such a hit on productivity with work from home. Youu2019d think the game room and snacks would make people want to come back. We got a big deadline on Goomee2 in ten days. I dunno is it better to be with other people if theyu2019re as shocked as you or better to bury yourself in, . . . right, poor choice of words, . . . better to lose yourself in work at home?


u201cYu2019know what I donu2019t get is the CSRs and marketing girls, I mean, sure, most of u2018em donu2018t get tech, but theyu2019re nice enough and sweet lookinu2019 -Jeezus what a mess. So much blood. Glass everywhere. Hadda replace all the carpet, and the glass, and half of the cubicles. Insurance paid for most, – thanks for filing those claims. We lost five days cleaning up the center – thank God we had Bangladesh as back up. Stock took a hit, but Charlie was right, – itu2019s coming back.


u201cYu2019know what burns my ass? Itu2019s a tragedy, I get that. Itu2019s awful, but the media just wonu2019t let it go. I mean, itu2019s been a month, u2018nu2019 it coulda been a lot worse if ole Juan hadnu2019 tackled him, . . . did his wife get the flowers? . . . yeah, just wish that last spray hadnu2019 gotten u2018em both, I mean Iu2019d just like to ask him, . . . u201cWhy? – I mean BH, . . . – not Juan.


u201cThatu2019s the thing about mental health. I mean, itu2019s u2018mental,u2019 right? Like inside your head, – invisible. But the press will not let it go u2018nu2019 now itu2019s the politicians. . . State. . .u2019nu2019 Feds. . .


Guns, sure, itu2019s always the guns. Too bad we have that big u2018No Firearmsu2019 sign on the front door, if HR Karen, . . . ah right, . . . Denise, If Denise had been packinu2019 this whole thing woulda been a lot less traumatic.


People say I should have known. Howu2019re ya gonna know what goes on inside someoneu2019s head. Somebody has a bad day and yells at one of the girls, or someone has a fight with his wife and throws a stapler, breaks some coffee mugs, and dents a partition, is that such a big deal? Yeah, maybe, . . . well thereu2019s risk in everything, . . . life is a risk, . . . I could walk out the door today u2018nu2019 get run over by a beer truck, wouldnu2019t that be a cryinu2019 shame, . . . risk.


u201cStill I wish I knew. . . Why?. . .


u201cHe was such a great coder. . .


u201cSo No, Carol, I donu2019t want to talk to the Senator. u2018Nu2019 no more reporters, OK? Say u2018weu2019re cooperating fully with the investigation, u2018nu2019 Iu2019m unavailable for comment.u2019


u201cOh, u2018nu2019 Carol, wouldya be a love u2018nu2019 run to Star, u2018nu2019 get me another Venti Carmel Macchiato with triple shot Red Eye, yeah with whipped u2018nu2019 four packets of the natural sugar, yu2019know the ones in the brown packets.


u201cThatu2019s great, Babycakes. Iu2019ll be in the game room. Gotta Foosball rematch with Howie.u201d




Avoiding Leadership Dysfunction



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“People say I should have known. Maybe. There was that thing at the holiday party, but he was really drunk. The girl was drunk too, by the way. And anyway everybody agreed to drop it and she got another job soon after, so everything worked out.

“He was such a sick programmer, I mean, really elegant code, everybody said so. And the dude was a machine. He totally saved the Techniche voice chat bot project, – made the delivery in three days. People said he was mainlining Red Bull, ‘n’ the client said the bot was like talking to a real person. That Indian accent thing was complete magic, ‘Please to hold the line, while I trensfer you to the You – knighted States. – Halo sar, May I please introduce you to Todd in Topeka who will halp you now. . . . – Haie, Ahm Todd, How kin ah hep you today, sir?’ Still cracks me up.

“I mean, I didn’t know him, really. In the break room once I asked him, ‘Dwayne, dude, why does everybody call you ‘BH,’ and he rolled up his sleeve and showed me the biohazard tattoo and said ‘Afghanistan Recon.’ I thought he was too young to be a vet. Then Howie told me, ‘No dude, that’s his Call of Duty handle.’ Maybe that should have been a clue, but we all play. Dint think anything of it.

“I don’t really get the ‘why,’ if you know what I mean. I mean, sure, HR Karen’s all hands email was really targeted to him  ‘. . . so as you RTW you should dress appropriately and leave the camo and tac gear at home.’  And yeah, –  his clothes did leave a little to be desired and he didn’t really need to bring a fourteen inch survival Bowie to work. Maybe she should have just spoken to him or, at least, realized that ‘all hands’ goes to the board, including his dad.

“His dad was so helpful with the Sand Hill guys for the mezz and IPO. I wish Karen had thought about that, . . . wait, . . . ‘waddya mean that’s not her name? What? HR Karen is Denise? No.  And . . . – oh yeah, was,- – a single Mom with two kids. . .who’ll take. . .? Her mother? Jeezus! I mean, she did send that email the week before complaining about Dwayne. I mean, I had to think who she meant, I mean, everybody called him BH, . . . so he broke some stuff, . . . and what does ‘going postal’ even mean?

“This is just awful. It’s gonna mess people up for months. Maybe we should relax the RTW, ‘cept we take such a hit on productivity with work from home. You’d think the game room and snacks would make people want to come back. We got a big deadline on Goomee2 in ten days. I dunno is it better to be with other people if they’re as shocked as you or better to bury yourself in, . . . right, poor choice of words, . . . better to lose yourself in work at home?

“Y’know what I don’t get is the CSRs and marketing girls, I mean, sure, most of ‘em don‘t get tech, but they’re nice enough and sweet lookin’ -Jeezus what a mess. So much blood. Glass everywhere. Hadda replace all the carpet, and the glass, and half of the cubicles. Insurance paid for most, – thanks for filing those claims. We lost five days cleaning up the center – thank God we had Bangladesh as back up. Stock took a hit, but Charlie was right, – it’s coming back.

“Y’know what burns my ass? It’s a tragedy, I get that. It’s awful, but the media just won’t let it go. I mean, it’s been a month, ‘n’ it coulda been a lot worse if ole Juan hadn’ tackled him, . . . did his wife get the flowers? . . .  yeah, just wish that last spray hadn’ gotten ‘em both, I mean I’d just like to ask him, . . . “Why? – I mean BH, . . . – not Juan.

“That’s the thing about mental health. I mean, it’s ‘mental,’ right? Like inside your head, – invisible. But the press will not let it go ‘n’ now it’s the politicians. . . State. . .’n’ Feds. . .

Guns, sure, it’s always the guns. Too bad we have that big ‘No Firearms’ sign on the front door, if HR Karen, . . . ah right, . . . Denise, If Denise had been packin’ this whole thing woulda been a lot less traumatic.

People say I should have known. How’re ya gonna know what goes on inside someone’s head. Somebody has a bad day and yells at one of the girls, or someone has a fight with his wife and throws a stapler, breaks some coffee mugs, and dents a partition, is that such a big deal?  Yeah, maybe, . . . well there’s risk in everything, . . . life is a risk, . . . I could walk out the door today ‘n’ get run over by a beer truck, wouldn’t that be a cryin’ shame, . . . risk.

“Still I wish I knew. . . Why?. . .

“He was such a great coder. . .

“So No, Carol, I don’t want to talk to the Senator. ‘N’ no more reporters, OK? Say ‘we’re cooperating fully with the investigation, ‘n’  I’m unavailable for comment.’

“Oh, ‘n’ Carol, wouldya be a love ‘n’ run to Star, ‘n’ get me another Venti Carmel Macchiato with triple shot Red Eye, yeah with whipped ‘n’ four packets of the natural sugar, y’know the ones in the brown packets.

“That’s great, Babycakes. I’ll be in the game room. Gotta Foosball rematch with Howie.”


Avoiding Leadership Dysfunction


The post Leadership Dysfunction 2.0 appeared first on Wisdom from Unusual Places.

Originally Published on

Alan Cay Culler Writer of Stories and Songs

I'm a writer.

Writing is my fourth career -actor, celebrity speakers booking agent, change consultant - and now writer.
I write stories about my experiences and what I've learned- in consulting for consultants, about change for leaders, and just working, loving and living wisely.

To be clear, I'm more wiseacre than wise man, but I'm at the front end of the Baby Boom so I've had a lot of opportunity to make mistakes. I made more than my share and even learned from some of them, so now I write them down in hopes that someone else might not have to make the same mistakes.

I have also made a habit of talking with ordinary people who have on occasion shared extraordinary wisdom.

Much of what I write about has to do with business because I was a strategic change consultant for thirty-seven years. My bias is that business is about people - called customers, staff, suppliers, shareholders or the community, but all human beings with hopes, and dreams, thoughts and emotions.. They didn't teach me that at the London Business School, nor even at Columbia University's Principles of Organization Development. I learned that first in my theater undergraduate degree, while observing people in order to portray a character.

Now I'm writing these observations in stories, shared here for other Baby Boomers and those who want to read about us.


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