Title: Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity Author: Peter Attia, MD (author, audiobook narrator) with Bill Gifford (author) Reviewed for BabyBoomer.org by Gregory Damian I started listening to Peter Attia MD’s “The Drive” podcast in December of 2021. At first I was skeptical of some of Dr Attia’s thoughts and positions. I assumed he was […]
Title: Lost Angel Unleashed: Stories from the Heart (Lost Angel Travel Series: Book Three) Author Linda Ballou Reviewed for the NABBW by Anne Holmes Books in Linda Ballou’s Lost Angel Series Lost Angel Unleashed is the third in Linda Ballou’s Lost Angel Travel Series. The first two are Lost Angel Walkabout: One Traveler’s Tales and Lost […]
Title: Noble Chaos: A Novel Author Brent Green Audiobook narrated by Jack de Golia Reviewed for the NABBW by Anne Holmes Let me begin my review with this disclaimer: Brent Green’s Noble Chaos, is a book that powerfully resonates in my heart. It speaks deeply to me, as not only was I a student at the […]
Pap Pap goes to Paris By Janie Dempsey Watts, Illustrated by Lyn Martin Reviewed for the NABBW by Anne Holmes Snow globes and the winter holidays always seem to go together, so this is a wonderful time for me to share author and grandmother Janie Dempsey Watts’s delightful picture book about Ricky, his parents and […]
Title: Boomers, Zoomers, and Other Oomers: A Boomer-biased Irreverent Perspective on Aging Author: Marcel Strigberger ISBN-10#:0995950121 Reviewed for the NABBW by Anne Holmes Canadian author Marcel Strigberger says he is a humorist trapped inside the body of a former litigation lawyer. You might think that is a unique resume starter, and you’d be correct. I’m […]
Title: Stretching for 50+: A Customized Program for Increasing Flexibility, Avoiding Injury and Enjoying an Active Lifestyle, 2nd Edition Author: Dr. Karl Knopf ISBN-10#: 1612436714 Reviewed for the NABBW by Anne Holmes This slim, 128-page book is designed for people who know that health and fitness are only achieved by staying active and doing as many good […]
Title: Core Strength for 50+: A Customized Program for Safely Toning Ab, Back, and Oblique Muscles Author: Dr. Karl Knopf ISBN-10#: 978-1-612-43101-7 Reviewed for the NABBW by Anne Holmes From swinging a pickle ball paddle to lifting and toting a grandchild, or even hauling a bag of groceries, your core strength is everything. Balance, agility and […]
Title: The New Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to the Rest of Your Life Author: Jan Cullinane (Foreward by Kerry Hannon) ISBN-10: 978-1-119-83815-9 Reviewed for the NABBW by Anne Holmes This the third edition of Jan Cullinane’s seminal work, and as Kerry Hannon says in her foreword, “(This book) is a persuasive reminder that retirement […]
Title: Who Will Take Care of Me When I’m Old? Plan Now to Safeguard Your Health and Happiness in Old Age Author: Joy Loverde ISBN: 978-0-7382-1963-9 Reviewed for the NABBW by: Anne L. Holmes This book, published in 2017, promises to be everything you need to know to plan for your own safe, financially secure, […]
Guest post by Gramps Jeffrey, author of “I Don’t Want to Turn 3” Gramps Jeffrey For years, we Baby Boomers have viewed ourselves as the best generation our great country has ever seen. Prior to President Biden, who is a member of the Silent Generation (born 1925 to 1945), we Boomers (born 1946 to 1964) have […]