Dementia is caused by various diseases and conditions, many with no cure. The table below shows the early symptoms, pathology, and prevalence of four main dementia subtypes, all progressive and irreversible. Type of Dementia Early Symptoms Pathology Prevalence Alzheimer’s Disease impaired memory, apathy, wandering, getting lost; problem recognizing others; impulsiveness; difficulty communicating Abnormal deposits of […]
Problems with memory, particularly for recent events, is not uncommon during the aging process. Many people worry about how serious a case of “forgetfulness” may be. However, in contrast to the types of memory problems seen in individuals with dementia, this type of short-term memory difficulty is relatively benign and is considered by many to […]
Delirium is a state of mental confusion and disorganization. Delirium and dementia are different. This state of mental confusion and disorganization is found in older adults when they are experiencing a sudden or acute physical condition, or are recovering from surgery. It is sometimes called acute organic brain syndrome, acute confusional state, or mental fog. […]
Depression, dementia, and delirium are colloquially referred to as the “3 D’s”. First, what depression looks like: a) sad mood, feeling worthless, hopeless, and helpless; b) loss of interest, decreased energy, and loss of initiative; c) feelings of guilt and remorse, preoccupied with disappointment and failure; d) disruptions in sleep and eating habits; difficulty with […]
Seven Recommended Approaches when Interacting with a Resident Who May be Depressed A Word of Caution These are general guidelines, and not always be appropriate for all individuals. Judgement and sensitivity are always vital. This article is referenced in the Living to 100 Club’s new publication, Better, Longer & Happier: A Guide to Aging with […]
These factors should be kept top of mind when assessing for evaluating depression in older adults: Barriers to Diagnosis and Treatment of Depression in Long Term Care: There are high rates of depression and other mental disorders in older adults. However, there are several reasons why these individuals do not receive the needed care. Problems […]
In this Living to 100 Club podcast, we invite Dr. William Levine to discuss the incidence of gum disease, its causes, and treatments. Dr. Levine has practiced the specialty of periodontic dentistry for over 35 years. He has been at the forefront of revolutionizing the way we treat and manage disease. We discuss why gum […]
This podcast takes a close look at the risk factors for prostate cancer, the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. Our guest is Paul Arangua, MPH in Epidemiology and an educator/researcher with the Prostate Conditions Education Council. We explore the incidence of prostate cancer, the risk factors, screening recommendations, and treatment outcomes. […]
This Living to 100 Club podcast introduces our listeners to an innovative home-based medical care program, WellBe Senior Medical. Our guest is Dr. Iyad Houshan. We discuss the benefits of at-home medical care with older adults who are faced with multiple and complex health challenges. Our listeners will learn about the “full risk” model of […]
Our guest for this Living to 100 Club podcast is Katie Wee, who shares her prescription for happiness. This is a way of liberating ourselves of our inner critic and moving toward getting and staying happy. Katie is a wellness retreat leader who helps individuals visualize their “wants” in the areas of home life, health, […]