As a young woman in the U.S., Anne Alexander-Sieder was an actress. That ended when she followed a handsome young German fellow back to Germany as his wife. Sixteen years later she made the huge decision to go back to acting… in a second language… in a foreign country… at 47. Yikes!
Today she shares:
Anne’s rekindled career in acting has included Netflix and Hallmark movies and has led to her program “Passion Project to Purpose”.
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I’ve probably done most of the things you expect a woman my age to have done: married and divorced; three children; variety of jobs over the years including a couple of home-based businesses and, finally, a pretty good career; gave up that career (and home and life) to move and take care of a dementing mother; adult daughter moved back home with a baby; financial struggles; sucker-punched by the post-2007 economy. You tell a similar story.
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