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One World in a New World with Dr. Erica Miller – Author, Clinical Psychologist, Holocaust Survivor

Zen Benefiel, Author and Transformational Life Coach ( takes us on another apocalyptic (uncovering knowledge) journey in making sense common. Zen is a polymath, deep thinker and researcher and it comes out in his comfortable and open yet focused style.

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Closed Captions (CC) in multiple languages, though Google Translate may not be the best.

The Wisdom of our elders is often diminished by their inability to share and our unwillingness to listen. Erica’s life story is profound and our journey through the travesty to triumph of a holocaust survivor to her inspirationally-filled Lifestyle today as a fearless example for others is replete with tasty tidbits of transcendence she shares here. She’s bright and unabashed in her tales of transcendence.

Zen’s conversational dance delivers diverse perspectives from Dr. Erica Miller’s life story. The horrifying reality of her presence during the holocaust and the imagery she still carries is significant to her passion and purpose now. This octogenarian is still full of life and love for helping others and anticipates living to be well over 100.

As a clinical psychologist, our chat engages her perspectives and perceptions of how a fearless approach to life virtually eliminates destructive behavior patterns. The intertwining of passion and purpose bring the opportunities to share a greater confidence and inspiration for her audiences and example of a connected life. At 88 she continues to Travel the world to deliver impactful and life-changing messages.

born on November 10, 1933 in Tshernovitz, Romania. For seven years, Erica and her family lived a “normal” life. At the tender age of seven, Erica and her family were among thousands of Jews herded into cattle cars and imprisoned in a Nazi holding camp in Mogilev, Ukraine.

After four years of indescribable oppression and deprivation, Erica, her parents, and her sister were liberated by the Russians. Erica had no formal Education while in the concentration camp. Entering school for first time at age 11 (or fifth grade), she quickly learned the basics of reading, writing and math. Much to the surprise, and in some cases chagrin, of her teachers and classmates, she excelled at all three.

Her family immigrated to Israel in 1949, when she was 15. Erica attended high school at night while working during the day. Since education was not a priority at that time, receiving her high school diploma was an unusual accomplishment.

After high school, Erica, unlike other young girls, pursued her dream to join the Israeli Air Force. Committed to defending her country, she served proudly from 1954-1956, committed to defending her country. After her military service, she landed a prestigious job at the Israeli Government Tourist Information Office in Tel Aviv where she worked from 1956-1958.
Next, fate and opportunity took her life’s journey to Los Angeles, California, where she attended the University of Judaism (now American Jewish University) to pursue a degree in Hebrew education. While in Los Angeles, she met her future husband, Jerry Miller. Together they built a nest and filled it with two children.

In 1970, Erica returned to school and eight years later, graduated with a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. Shortly afterwards, leveraging her unparalleled drive and her husband’s keen marketing skills, they opened a chain of Mental Health clinics throughout Los Angeles and Orange County. In addition, they ran California Diversion Intervention Foundation, a non-profit organization, offering programs to serve the needs of the substance abuse and domestic violence population referred by the Courts.

Today, in addition to public speaking, Dr. Miller oversees her family’s Real Estate business in Austin, Texas.

She’s written three books:
“The Dr. Erica Miller Story: From Trauma to Triumph,”

“Don’t Tell Me I Can’t Do It: Living Audaciously in the Here and Now”

and the international best-seller, “Chronologically Gifted: Aging with Gusto!”

For more…

Dublin Fearless Women’s Summit:

Erica on LinkedIn:


Zen’s Re:Build presentation on Holistic Education:

Subscribe to One World in a New World –

Zen’s books on Amazon:

Music: Outcasts and Social Misfits (Zen on drums)

Buy Zen a cup of coffee:

Digital Vitae:

Transformational Life Coach:

Global Peace Movement:

Zen Benefiel Possibilities Coagulator

Zen Benefiel is an accomplished author and speaker who holds Masters Degrees from the University of Phoenix in Business Administration and Organizational Development, a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and is a Certified Life Coach and Hypnotherapist through the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.

He helped women and minority-owned businesses garner over $200,000 in micro-loans through Self Employment Loan Fund in 2003-4. He assisted an indigenous coalition in Arizona to garner attention and inclusion in the development of the Steele Indian School Park, a complete turn-around from the Indian westernization facility turned high school built in the 1890s. He managed logistics for large public events drawing over 250,000 patrons in his 30s.

He hosted over 120 television shows in the early 90s, called One World, inviting his guests to explore how we overcome fears and move toward harmony in our personal and professional environments. He also produced a four-host series of community activist shows, focusing on community activists, holistic medicine, youth empowerment, and straight talk on politics.

He has taught business plan development classes part time at the college level for five years, was a production control coordinator in the aerospace industry for five years, responsible for $7 million in monthly shipments, a high school teacher for five years, often in charge of an entire curriculum; and special event manager for ten years with ranges of 5,000 to 250,000 patrons per event. He meets challenge with style and grace as an opportunity to develop successful business and personal relationships, resulting in a highly qualified facilitator.

He currently coaches, consults and facilitates client surveys, customer service, employee involvement, partnering, team building, strategic planning and professional development.


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