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Leaders: Is Your Myopia Your Utopia? &Raquo; 12538332 M 650X433 1

Leaders: Is Your Myopia Your Utopia?

<img width="650" height="433" src="×433-1.jpg" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image" alt="Single vision" style="margin-bottom: 10px" data-attachment-id="4159" data-permalink="" data-orig-file="" data-orig-size="848,565" data-comments-opened="1" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"0","credit":"","camera":"","caption":"12538332 – looking through the glasses at eye chart","created_timestamp":"0","copyright":"rangizzz/123RF","focal_length":"0","iso":"0","shutter_speed":"0","title":"12538332 – looking through the glasses at eye chart","orientation":"0"}" data-image-title="12538332 – looking through the glasses at eye chart" data-image-description="" data-image-caption=" Single vision ” data-medium-file=”×433-1.jpg” data-large-file=”” /> When it comes to leadership […]

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Change And Progress, Are They Twins? &Raquo; Managing Change 650X366 1

Change and Progress, Are They Twins?

In today’s complex business world, change is hard. Companies venturing through major culture shifts, mergers or other forms of change often struggle to make it to the end. The idea that people hate change is a phenomenon that is taught, coached and wrestled with in many ways, shapes, and forms. Regardless of your mindset about […]

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Leaders: If you Confuse, You Lose

There’s an old saying in the sales world. “The confused mind says NO.” Clearly that has big implications when trying to sell a product or service. A prospect who gets confused by your sales pitch will revert to a NO answer all the time. On the other hand, a clear, concise explanation of the thing […]

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7 Strategies For Being A Better Manager &Raquo; 97021674 M Scaled 1

7 Strategies for Being a Better Manager

Most managers get their start because they were good workers. They get recognized as being the best performer on the team. There is nothing wrong with that, except… Being a good manager requires a level of leadership. Without the right training and development, you might find that being a manager is a struggle. “Management is […]

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The 5 C’s Of A Trusted Leader &Raquo; Trusted Leader

The 5 C’s of a Trusted Leader

Successful leaders build trust. Building trust is something you must do. Trust underpins every relationship in the workplace – between boss and employee, between colleagues, and between businesses. Trust isn’t something that is inherent; it must be forged through consistent action. While there are many ways to become a trusted leader, here are some recurring […]

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Managing “Up” The Organization Or Fixing A Bad Boss &Raquo; 46636958 S

Managing “UP” the Organization or Fixing a Bad Boss

Do you have one of those hard-to-work-for bad bosses? OK, that’s too kind. Is your boss a jerk? Do you sometimes want to pull your hair out? Or even throw things after a talk with Mr./Mrs. Wonderful? Bad bosses almost always lack emotional intelligence. They play favorites, gossip, and have private agendas not always in […]

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Leaders: Are You A 2023 Contender Or A Pretender? &Raquo; Contender 1

Leaders: Are You a 2023 Contender or a Pretender?

If your desire is to be a better manager at work, at home, or in the community, you may want to develop some actual leadership skills. However, if you are already following certain leadership principles, there is always room for lifting the lid to expand your reach and influence. After many years of working with […]

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Leaders: There’s A New Way To Understand Change &Raquo; Managing Change

Leaders: There’s a New Way to Understand Change

Author’s NOTE: I wrote the first version of this article in 2018 – a full 2 years BEFORE the whole world locked down and faced the COVID-19 pandemic. Business has not been the same since. At a recent luncheon, I was involved in a discussion that I find becoming more common. The topic was this: […]

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