Saturday - July 27th, 2024
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Do You Want To Continue To Be Exhausted Or Be Empowered? &Raquo; Logo The Accountability Coach

Do you want to continue to be Exhausted or be Empowered?

Do you want to continue to be Exhausted or be Empowered?   If you are an Entrepreneur and want to be empowered, you must listen to my interview with Elizabeth Gould, Certified Master Neuroplastician and Best-Selling Author who loves taking entrepreneurs from exhausted to empowered. I know you will find my guest to be super… […]

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Our Brain And Growth Mindset &Raquo; Growth Mindset Deborah Johnson 1024 X 683 150X150 1

Our Brain and Growth Mindset

The brain is a complex organ composed of various regions, each contributing to cognitive functions and behaviors that influence a growth mindset. Understanding the impact of different parts of the brain on fostering a growth mindset provides insights into the adaptability and flexibility in relation to our intelligence and skills. There has been much discussion […]

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Mindful Meditation or Back Yard TV

Ahhh, meditation. Every “expert” I know sings the praises of mindful meditation along with the many health benefits including stress management, reducing negative emotions, and increasing patience and tolerance. I have often been told by multiple experts, “You need to meditate. You’re so high strung, and it’s the only way to calm your mind.” To […]

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