Thursday - September 19th, 2024
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Call Me &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Call Me

Why don’t people just call me? I’ll never understand. I wonder that quite often when something that would have been evident to a blindman wearing a blindfold is presented as something revelatory or epiphanic. The latest case in point is a piece from LinkedIn news called, “When office brainstorms go bust”. Here’s the gist: It […]

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Random Thoughts: A Writer’s Notebook &Raquo; Random

Random Thoughts: A Writer’s Notebook

A popular expression says, “Everybody’s got a story.” I’m luckier than most, I have many. This is a collection of them. It’s necessarily incomplete because I’m still on the planet. As long as that remains true, I’ll always have more stories. I hope you enjoy these. CLICK HERE TO GRAB YOUR PERSONAL COPY Originally Published […]

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A Modest Proposal &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

A Modest Proposal

In the Friendship Bench conversation that took place on Thursday, June 1st, JoAnna Baanana and Kamla Dasrath facilitated an engaging discussion of astrology. During the session, Roger Martin asked how it was that the placement of the sun, the moon, and other celestial bodies at the moments of our births could influence the human beings […]

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Our Fascination With Pets &Raquo; Marc Joseph

Our Fascination with Pets

Every month of the year has pet awareness events. For instance, June is National Adopt a cat month, it is National Zoo and Aquarium Month, and National pet preparedness month. June also has National hug your cat day, International Corgi Day, World Pet Memorial Day, National take your cat to work day, Ugliest dog day […]

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Rotten With Perfection &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Rotten With Perfection

As I’ve written previously, I have a very difficult time separating hate from ignorance. I take hate to be a subset or a symptom of ignorance. Ignorance can scale, of course. It can be as small as one Hibernophobe burning down my house. It can be as large as one power-mongering lunatic attempting to create […]

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Giving Without Season &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Giving Without Season

Author’s Note: As I was creating the video that appears at the end of this post, I was recalling a piece I’d written some years ago, inspired by something I’d witnessed in a gym. Thanks to a portable floppy-disc drive and my pack-rat compulsion to hang on to my old floppy discs, I was able […]

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Ain’t I Pretty? &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

Ain’t I Pretty?

After seeing the phrase, toxic narcissism, for about the two-millionth time, I did a search on signs of a narcissist. Since the browser I use is Brave, and since Brave doesn’t use Google, I don’t know how many hits I got. But I did learn this: Depending on the source you choose, there are between […]

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Homeless Baby Boomers &Raquo; Marc Joseph

Homeless Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers think that we are the best generation to come along in this great country of ours. We have been running the government for the last 6 years and look at the chaos we have created. Our children are dying in record numbers from this opioid overdose epidemic and what have we done to […]

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A Higher Calling &Raquo; Notes To Self By Mark Obrien

A Higher Calling

Notwithstanding the myriad of political diatribes I occasionally author in this column, it isn’t my intent to comment on politics particularly or exclusively. Politics is part of a larger discourse — even an inseparable part — but it is no more than a part. Because of my curiosity about all things behavioral and linguistic (and […]

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