1. Unstoppable Stories: Susan Scarlett and BJ Bement on Life, Love, and Triumph Over Parkinson’s YOPN 54:27

This episode contains candid discussions about suicide and may not be suitable for younger audiences.

The YOPN Podcast proudly features captivating interviews with two remarkable individuals, Susan Scarlett and BJ Bement.

Susan Scarlett’s love for life shines through every facet of her existence. She embraces roles as a wife, mother, daughter, sister, student, and friend. In 2015, she learned that she is also a Person with Parkinson’s (PWP). Initially, the mention of “Parkinson’s Disease” left her feeling numb, much like anyone else in that situation. However, Susan was swiftly enveloped by the love and support of her family and friends, rekindling her enduring smile. Her journey takes a remarkable turn as she shares her inspirational story, including her collaborative efforts with Robert Cochran, and the incredible challenge presented by her nephew, Adam, involving a nonstop, 65-mile swim, which became the focus of the award-winning documentary, “VICTORY SWIM.”

Benjamin ‘BJ’ Bement resides in Baton Rouge, LA, alongside his wife, Kelly. His Parkinson’s diagnosis at the age of 44 in 2013 marked a turning point in his life. In just four months following his diagnosis, he shifted gears from self-pity to active advocacy. BJ has lent his expertise to organizations such as the Parkinson’s Action Network, The Michael J. Fox Foundation Public Policy division, GE Healthcare, and the Parkinson’s Foundation. His active involvement in the Gulf Coast Chapter of the Parkinson’s Foundation is exceptional, having logged over 500 volunteer hours in the last fiscal year and earning the well-deserved title of Gulf Coast Chapter Volunteer of the Year. BJ is driven by a passion for brainstorming, thinking outside the box, and discovering innovative ways to uplift, support, and empower the Parkinson’s community in Baton Rouge and beyond. Be sure to delve into BJ’s incredible journey.

  1. #Parkinsons
  2. #PDawareness
  3. #ParkinsonsDisease
  4. #ParkinsonsCommunity
  5. #FindACure
  6. #ShakeItUp
  7. #BeatParkinsons
  8. #ParkinsonsSupport
  9. #PDWarrior
  10. #LivingWithParkinsons

My name is Michael Quaglia, and I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease at the age of 42 in October 2006. For the next eight years, I worked tirelessly to climb the corporate ladder, hoping to accumulate enough wealth before the symptoms of the disease forced me into early retirement. Looking back, I wish I had made different choices.

In 2014, I stumbled upon two articles that changed the course of my life. The first was a study by the Cleveland Clinic, which found that "forced exercise" could significantly improve Parkinson's symptoms. The second was a video made by a small non-profit organization called Rock Steady Boxing, which demonstrated the benefits of non-contact boxing for people with Parkinson's.

Inspired by the potential benefits of exercise and boxing for Parkinson's patients, I dedicated my life to helping others and myself fight back against the symptoms of the disease. As a result, I have become an advocate for people with Parkinson's and an active member of the Parkinson's community.

To help get the word out in 2016 I started a Podcast "2 Mikes" with a friend Mike Achin. Seven years later we're sponsored by the Young Onset Parkinson's Network, we have numerous cohosts and our content resonates with the PD community.

Before my diagnosis, I worked as a Sales Manager for Engineering staffing agencies, but my journey with Parkinson's has led me down a different path, one in which I find fulfillment and purpose in making a positive impact on the lives of others.