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December 10th, 2024

308 Jan Shaw King: Guideposts Pave the Way for Transitions if Your Eyes are Wide Open

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Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau308 Jan Shaw King: Guideposts Pave the Way for Transitions if Your Eyes are Wide Open
  1. 308 Jan Shaw King: Guideposts Pave the Way for Transitions if Your Eyes are Wide Open Gail Zelitzky and Catherine Marienau 34:40

Jan Shaw King, 71, is a strong, resilient woman whose courage led her to create illustrative works that live on in all of our memories. Her first mentor was her grandmother who taught her to see colors and shadows and be brave enough to follow her path. You may remember Ranger Bob and How the Big Bad Wolf Saved Christmas. Children’s stories make up a major part of her portfolio. Jan’s company, Wyld Blue Entertainment, develops imaginative art for theme parks and major movie studios. 

“My impressionistic paintings of sea turtles are dedicated to the awareness of these magnificent endangered species.” – Jan Shaw King

What she is most proud of is beating an extremely rare form of Cancer that only 3% survive. Her book, Life Lines, Verses for Reflection and Recovery is a treasured collection of inspirational verses of love and hope drawn from her personal healing journey as a 27-year cancer survivor. 

More recently, Jan has nurtured her love of sea turtles, all 7 species, and uses her creativity and activism to create public awareness of the plight of these creatures due to climate change.

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