Sunday - February 9th, 2025
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PD Avengers Weekly Chat – Balancing Life and PD

  1. PD Avengers Weekly Chat - Balancing Life and PD Curiouscast 13:16

The PD Avengers discuss the challenges of balancing life with Parkinson’s disease, emphasizing the impact of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) on daily routines. Both Tim Hague and Larry Gifford highlighted the necessity of daily naps and improved Sleep post-DBS, though daytime sleepiness persisted. They shared personal strategies like improv for maintaining positivity and energy. Traveling with DBS was noted as challenging, with issues like being patted down at airports. They promoted the PD Avengers community, encouraging sign-ups to amplify their voice in ending Parkinson’s. The conversation also touched on practical tips like using the sunflower card for hidden disabilities at airports.

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Larry Gifford When Life GIves You Parkinson's Podcast

Larry Gifford has Parkinson’s disease and he wants to talk about it. When Life Gives You Parkinson’s chronicles Larry’s journey following diagnosis at age 45, but he knows he’s only part of the story. The podcast gives voice to the fascinating people that make up the Parkinson’s community and beyond — his wife and partner in Parkinson's Rebecca co-hosts the podcast.They approach life with PD with humour and heart to heart conversations. Along the way they introduce other PwP, care partners, advocates, researchers and healthcare providers. Through these interviews, the podcast informs and inspires others to share their own stories revealing the challenges and growth offered by the Parkinson’s journey.


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