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September 3rd, 2024

Stress Management and Nutrition Hacks with Dana Lewis

  1. Stress Management and Nutrition Hacks with Dana Lewis Jen Smiley 32:15

Cortisol, often called the stress hormone, plays an important role in our bodies’ response to stress. While a certain amount of stress is necessary for survival, prolonged exposure to high cortisol levels can negatively impact our health and well-being. Fortunately, there are simple, actionable steps for managing cortisol levels and reducing stress, leading to not just a fine life but an optimal one.

In this episode, Jen talks with Dana Lewis. Dana is a mother, a widow, a nutrition expert, and the host of the Stop Faking Fine podcast. After tragically losing the love of her life and the father of her three boys to Cancer in 2013, Dana shifted from traditional engineering to being solely focused on understanding the effects stress has on the body. She is committed to inspiring others to stop settling and step into living with more energy, focus, and mental Clarity. Dana teaches simple, sustainable habits to help manage your stress and show up as your best every day.

Jen and Dana discuss actionable strategies for reducing inflammation, managing stress hormones, and enhancing dietary and Lifestyle habits for better health and well-being.

In this episode:

  • [03:06] – The story behind Dana’s desire to specialize in stress management
  • [07:15] – The effects of stress on the body
  • [08:21] – What high cortisol means
  • [13:00] – Why people continue to gain weight despite their efforts to lose it
  • [14:09] – Other ways to lower inflammation besides Diet
  • [20:55] – How Dana’s functional guacamole is made
  • [23:10] – The relationship between high cortisol levels and rage
  • [27:21] – The one thing people can do to manage their stress


[07:29] – “Stress creates inflammation. And inflammation is the root of all evil.” ~ Dana Lewis

 [08:33] – “Your cortisol hormone is your stress hormone. It sets the stage for the rest of your hormone, either harmony or disruption.” ~ Dana Lewis 

[13:51] – “Look at food not as a diet but more as a solution to your problem.” ~ Dana Lewis 

[29:53] – “Recognize how you feel. Empower yourself to step into living your absolute best.” ~ Dana Lewis 


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It's not your fault that you are eating healthy but gaining weight and living with fatigue. There are a lot of foods that look healthy but contain ingredients you can not recognize. If you do not recognize an ingredient, neither does your body. Jen Smiley, food coach of Wake Up and Read The Labels, will help you discover how to find foods made with real ingredients that your body can recognize and digest. You will be able to eat the foods you love and feel good.


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