Power Half Hour, Unstoppable Business Owners Ep#133 Kristin Crockett
- Power Half Hour, Unstoppable Business Owners Ep#133 Kristin Crockett Dorothy O'Dell 34:51
Kristin is an expert Mindset, Business, and Life Coach. She helps her clients increase their revenue while taking giant leaps forward in life and creating thriving passion—and purpose-based businesses.
She realized that what had stopped her for over 20 years in the professional world was her unconscious programming that said, “I am not enough, and I don’t deserve my dreams.” After hiring her first coach, she saw how fear and limits were programmed to cause her to “settle.”
Once she saw this, she learned how to interrupt and rewire those limits and fears for success; she went on a mission, learning everything she could to help others do the same.
Kristin founded the Courageous Destiny D.A.R.E. (Design, Align, Rewire and Expand) Methodology and hosts the Courageous Destiny “Build a Business and Life You Love” Group Coaching series and Podcast.
To connect with Kristin, go to:
https://www.facebook.com/kristin.fugelsethcrockett; https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristin-crockett-5785b610/
#mindsetcoach #courageousdestiny #podcaster