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June 18th, 2024

Unlocking Deep Healing Through Intentional Plant Medicine Use

  1. Unlocking Deep Healing Through Intentional Plant Medicine Use Constantin Morun 51:41

Discover the transformative power of cyclical microdosing with Leslie Draffin as she shares how aligning microdosing with the menstrual cycle can revolutionize emotional well-being and personal growth.

Hey friend!

Have you been curious about using psychedelic plant medicines like psilocybin or ayahuasca for healing and personal growth, but don’t know where to start?

I recently had an enlightening chat with Leslie Draffin, a psychedelic guide and embodiment coach who uses microdosing protocols to help people tap into subconscious blocks and shift deep patterns.

In this episode, Leslie shares her incredible story of transformation, from struggling with anxiety, depression and alcohol abuse as a TV news anchor to discovering the profound mental and emotional healing available through intentional psychedelic use.

She explains how microdosing psilocybin mushrooms helped alleviate her anxiety, boosted her creativity and sex drive, and enabled over a year of sobriety.

Leslie also introduces her groundbreaking cyclical microdosing method, which aligns dosing with the menstrual cycle to enhance wellbeing.

This conversation is perfect for anyone curious about psychedelic-assisted healing or looking to enhance their personal growth. Leslie offers wisdom around embracing our bodies, managing difficult emotions, living cyclically and tuning into our core essence. I hope her vulnerable sharing around overcoming trauma, receiving pleasure and unlocking mystical states inspires you like it did me. Let me know your key takeaways in the comments!


00:00 – Understanding Microdosing vs Full Dose Journey

02:09 – Leslie’s Journey to Psychedelic Healing

05:31 – Embracing True Calling and Dharma

07:36 – Discovering the Healing Potential of Plant Medicine

10:55 – Embracing Change and Resistance

13:34 – The Cyclical Microdosing Protocol

17:03 – Living in Tune with the Menstrual Cycle

18:28 – Microdosing Without Menstrual Cycles

20:00 – The Journey of Finding the Sweet Spot

23:09 – Impact on Libido and Sexual Pleasure

26:45 – The Start of the Spiritual Journey

27:43 – Letting Go of Judgment

28:12 – Sobriety and Microdosing

29:25 – Discovering Reasons for Drinking

30:35 – Tools for Self-Connection

39:21 – Embracing Personal Growth

39:50 – Unpacking Limiting Beliefs

41:05 – Uncovering Early Trauma

44:08 – Healing Through Spiritual Experiences


Leslie Draffin is a passionate advocate for holistic well-being and personal transformation. As a somatic psychedelic guide, sensual embodiment coach, and menstrual cycle educator, Leslie brings a wealth of expertise to the conversation around mental health and alternative healing methods. Her own journey from a career in media to discovering the profound impact of psilocybin mushrooms on emotional well-being and sobriety gives her a unique perspective that resonates with those seeking unconventional paths to healing. Leslie’s innovative approach to cyclical microdosing, aligning with the menstrual cycle, offers a fresh and empowering way for women to engage with psychedelic plant medicines.



Unleash Thyself



Constantin Morun:

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Constantin Morun Neuroencoding & Transformational Growth Specialist

I am Constantin Morun, a Neuroencoding & Transformational Growth Specialist, podcaster, speaker, writer & content creator.

My own journey, overcoming a life-long battle with depression, anxiety, burnout, and the 'ten thieves of our dreams' — procrastination, hesitation, fear of failure, success, rejection, imposter syndrome, self-loathing, self-doubt, stress, and overwhelm — forms the cornerstone of my two-plus decades in personal and professional development. This firsthand experience has deeply shaped my approach to empowering others.

In my diverse career, I've held numerous leadership and change roles within the corporate and coaching worlds. Combined with my degree in Mathematics and expertise as a Licensed Neuroencoding Specialist, I bring to the table a unique blend of practical life strategies and neuropsychological insights.

Having guided countless individuals on similar paths, my mission is to inspire, empower, support and guide you in discovering your 'why', fostering your gifts & strengths, rewiring your brain, and overcoming limiting beliefs to unlock your full potential.

As someone who is still on this transformative journey, I warmly invite you to join me in this process of growth and self-discovery.

Together, let's embark on a transformative journey to break free from the barriers holding you back, stepping into a life filled with purpose, fulfillment, abundance, and joy.

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